Product and Corporate Advertising ¦
Reading 1 Read the text opposite about controversial advertising. Do you think the VW
campaign was successful?
2 Read the text in more detail and choose the best answer,
1 Which of the following is least likely to be one of the reasons why Volkswagenran a deliberately provocative campaign?
a to generate media coverage of the campaign.
b to shock some members of society.
(c) to show their lack of respect for the Catholic Church.
2 Using taboo images in advertising has become popular with advertisingexecutives mainly because
a they only want to target young people.
b consumers have stopped paying attention to conventional advertising.
c products are becoming more international and sophisticated,
3 According to the text, shocking advertising isa always damaging for the advertiser.
b always damaging for the ad agency. c the simplest way to get media coverage.
4 According to Leon Jaume, the young generation of consumers like adsk a with an international flavour.
b that offend them%„-,_ ,„^'" c that offend their parents.
5 The author of the text suggests that
a perhaps Volkswagen isn't broad-minded enough.
b admen are not doing enough market research before running campaigns.
c Volkswagen wanted to break taboos in France.
Vocabulary I Find words or expressions in the text which correspond to the following
a public space reserved for advertisers to put their ads on (para 1) bjJttboard
large pictures or notices put up in a public place to advertise something {para I)
human interest subjects (para 5) s i
people or companies who pay for a professional service {para 6) c
try to win a business deal (para 6) to p f b
time and space given by the media to a particular news item (para 7) c
the person in charge of developing ideas for advertising campaigns (para 8) C D
a social custom which means a particular activity or subject must be avoided (para 8)