TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C- FEBRUARY 1996- REVISED DECEMBER 1999 Advanced Multibus Architecture With Three Separate 16-Bit Data Memory Buses and One Program Memory Bus 40-Bit Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) Including a 40-Bit Barrel Shifter and Two Independent 40-Bit Accumulators 17-x 17-Bit Parallel Multiplier Coupled to a 40-Bit Dedicated Adder for Non-Pipelined Single-Cycle Multiply/Accumulate (MAC) Operation Compare, Select, and Store Unit (CSSU) for the Add/Compare Selection of the Viterbi Operator Exponent Encoder to Compute an Exponent Value of a 40-Bit Accumulator Value in a Single Cycle Two Address Generators With Eight Auxiliary Registers and Two Auxiliary Register Arithmetic Units (ARAUs) Data Bus With a Bus Holder Feature Address Bus With a Bus Holder Feature ('548 and '549 Only) Extended Addressing Mode for 8M x 16-Bit Maximum Addressable External Program Space ('548 and '549 Only) 192K x 16-Bit Maximum Addressable Memory Space (64K Words Program, 64K Words Data, and 64K Words I/O) On-Chip ROM with Some Configurable to Program/Data Memory Dual-Access On-Chip RAM Single-Access On-Chip RAM ('548/'549) Single-Instruction Repeat and Block-Repeat Operations for Program Code Block-Memory-Move Instructions for Better Program and Data Management Instructions With a 32-Bit Long Word Operand Instructions With Two- or Three-Operand Reads Arithmetic Instructions With Parallel Store and Parallel Load Conditional Store Instructions Fast Return From Interrupt On-Chip Peripherals Software-Programmable Wait-StateGenerator and Programmable BankSwitching On-Chip Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) ClockGenerator With Internal Oscillator orExternal Clock Source Full-Duplex Serial Port to Support 8- or16-Bit Transfers ('541, 'LC545, and'LC546 Only) Time-Division Multiplexed (TDM) SerialPort ('542, '543, '548, and '549 Only) Buffered Serial Port (BSP) ('542, '543,'LC545, 'LC546, '548, and '549 Only) 8-Bit Parallel Host-Port Interface (HPI)('542, 'LC545, '548, and '549) One 16-Bit Timer External-Input/Output (XIO) Off Controlto Disable the External Data Bus,Address Bus and Control Signals Power Consumption Control With IDLE1, IDLE2, and IDLE3 Instructions With Power-Down Modes CLKOUT Off Control to Disable CLKOUT On-Chip Scan-Based Emulation Logic, IEEE Std 1149.1t (JTAG) Boundary Scan Logic 25-ns Single-Cycle Fixed-Point Instruction Execution Time [40 MIPS] for5-V Power Supply ('C541 and 'C542 Only) 20-ns and 25-ns Single-Cycle Fixed-Point Instruction Execution Time (50 MIPS and 40 MIPS) for 3.3-V Power Supply ('LC54x) 15-ns Single-Cycle Fixed-Point Instruction Execution Time (66 MIPS) for 3.3-V Power Supply ('LC54xA, '548, 'LC549) 12.5-ns Single-Cycle Fixed-Point Instruction Execution Time (80 MIPS) for 3.3-V Power Supply ('LC548, 'LC549) 10-ns and 8.3-ns Single-Cycle Fixed-Point Instruction Execution Time (100 and 120 MIPS) for 3.3-V Power Supply (2.5-V Core) ('VC549)
Legend: TQFP = Thin Quad Flatpack BGA = MicroStar BGA™ (Ball Grid Array) t The dual-access RAM (single access RAM on '548 and '549 devices) can be configured as data memory or program/data memory. t For 'C541 /'LC541, 8K words of ROM can be configured as program memory or program/data memory. § Two standard (general-purpose) serial ports 11 One TDM and one BSP # For 'LC545/'LC546, 16K words of ROM can be configured as program memory or program/data memory. || One standard and one BSP AOne TDM and two BSPs ? Refer to separate data sheet for electrical specifications. MicroStar BGA is a trademark of Texas Instruments Incorporated. ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C- FEBRUARY 1996- REVISED DECEMBER 1999 TMS320C541, TMS320LC541 PZ PACKAGEt (TOP VIEW) vss C A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 CVDD VSS VSS C CVDD C READY PS DS IS R/W MSTRB IOSTRB MSC XF C HOLDA Faq HOLD bTo c MP/MC c C C nn
CO CM Q (j) (j) Q io "3- co cm O > > O QQQQ CO nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn CO roOT-CNco^rmcD cNcococococOcoco D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 RS X2/CLKIN X1 CLKOUT VSS CVDD VSS TMS TCK TRST TDI TDO EMU1/OFF EMU0 TOUT CNT CLKMD3 CLKMD2 CLKMD1 |O It- |CN |CO Q W Z Z Z Z Q ™ oo oo u " ° t DVqq is the power supply for the I/O pins while CVqq is the power supply for the core CPU, and Vss is the ground for both the I/O pins and the core CPU. The '54x signal descriptions table lists each terminal name, function, and operating mode(s) for the TMS320C541PZ/TMS320LC541PZ (100-pin TQFP packages). Forthe 'C541/'LC541 (100-pin packages), no letter in front of CLKRn, FSRn, DRn, CLKXn, FSXn, and DXn pin names denotes standard serial port (where n = 0 or 1 port). ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C - FEBRUARY 1996 - REVISED DECEMBER 1999 Q ^ Z O < TMS320C542/TMS320LC542 PGE PACKAGEtt (TOP VIEW) Q CM Q <G Q Q
ipЈP 100 co z O I a: o i >- Q COO X X Q QloDQQ a: > > i in h ¦I Q X co o m P Dj CO O CO DSBZffl t NC = No connection t DVopisthe powersupply for the I/O pins while CVopisthe powersupply for the core CPU, and Vss is the ground for both the I/O pins and the core CPU. The '54x signal descriptions table lists each terminal name, function, and operating mode(s) for the TMS320C542PGE/'LC542PGE (144-pin TQFP packages). For the 'C542/'LC542 (144-pin TQFP packages), the letter B in front of CLKR, FSR, DR, CLKX, FSX, and DX pin names denotes buffered serial port (BSP). The letter T in front of CLKR, FSR, DR, CLKX, FSX, and DX pin names denotes time-division multiplexed (TDM) serial port. ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C- FEBRUARY 1996- REVISED DECEMBER 1999 TMS320LC542 PBK PACKAGEt (TOP VIEW)
Q Q t- o > < < Q Q Q O s Q I > if) Q> I > DVpp A10 HD7 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 CVpp HAS CVppC HCS_C HR/Wc READY C PS C DS C IS_C R/WC MSTRB C IOSTRB cz MSC[ XF[ HOLDA [ IAQ [ HOLD[ BJO [ MP/MC[ DVpp [ I>OIQQQIQQQQQQQ nn nnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn /128127126125124123122121120119 118117116115114113112 111110109108107106105104103102101100 99 98 97 "
o uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu m a ~ o Q V) O ;- f) IACK HBI X X - a a I m H t If) ^ O O O [Q h- ] DVpp D5 ] D4 ] D3 D2 D1 ] D0 I RS X2/CLKIN X1 I HD3 I CLKOUT 1VSS I HPIENA iCVpp I VSS TMS TCK TRST TDI TDO I EMU1/OFF I EMU0 I TOUT I HD2 CNT I CLKMD3 I CLKMD2 I CLKMD1 I VSS I DVpp t DVqq is the power supply forthe I/O pins while CVqd is the power supply forthe core CPU, and Vss is the ground for both the I/O pins and the core CPU. The '54x signal descriptions table lists each terminal name, function, and operating mode(s) for the TMS320LC542PBK (128-pin TQFP package). Forthe 'LC542 (128-pin TQFP package), the letter B in front of CLKR, FSR, DR, CLKX, FSX, and DX pin names denotes buffered serial port (BSP). The letter T in front of CLKR, FSR, DR, CLKX, FSX, and DX pin names denotes time-division multiplexed (TDM) serial port. ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C - FEBRUARY 1996 - REVISED DECEMBER 1999 TMS320LC543 PZ PACKAGEt (TOP VIEW) <C<C<C<C<C<C<C<C<C<CO>>O QQQQ QQQQQQQ nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0 RS X2/CLKIN X1 CLKOUT VSS CVDD VSS TMS TCK TRST TDI TDO EMU1/OFF EMU0 TOUT CNT CLKMD3 CLKMD2 CLKMD1 LJUULJUULJUULJUULJ U U L Q « Q (0 > > Q vss c 1
A10 c 2
A11 c 3
A12 c 4
A13 c 5
A14 c 6
A15 c 7
cvDD c 8
vss c 9
vss c 10
cvDD c 11
READY c 12
PS c 13
DS c 14
r§ c 15
R/W c 16
MSTRB c 17
MSC C 19
XF c 20
HOLDA c 21
Iaq c 22
HOLD c 23
HO c 24
MP/MC r 25
LJ LJ cn co q w —ju_u_ opmi- t DVopisthe powersupply for the I/O pins while CVopisthe powersupply for the core CPU, and Vss is the ground for both the I/O pins and the core CPU. The '54x signal descriptions table lists each terminal name, function, and operating mode(s) for the TMS320LC543PZ (100-pin TQFP package). For the 'LC543 (100-pin TQFP package), the letter B in front of CLKR, FSR, DR, CLKX, FSX, and DX denotes buffered serial port (BSP). The letter T in front of CLKR, FSR, DR, CLKX, FSX, and DX denotes time-division multiplexed (TDM) serial port. ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C- FEBRUARY 1996- REVISED DECEMBER 1999 TMS320LC545 PBK PACKAGEt (TOP VIEW)
Q Q O Q Q t- o > < < Q co co I > Q cm ¦¦- o Q co Q I t-t-t-ocor^(D> co QQQQQQQQ> I Q Q Q I nn nnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn 128127126125124123122121120119 118117116 115114113112 111110109108107106105104103102101100 99 98 97 DVpp A10 HD7 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 CVpp HAS CVppC HCS_C HR/Wc READY C PS C DS C IS_C R/WC MSTRB C IOSTRB cz MSC[ XF[ HOLDA [ IAQ [ HOLD[ BJO [ MP/MC[ DVpp [ o
96 HI Vss
95 IH DVpp
94 ZUD5
93 zu D4
92 zu D3
91 ZUD2
90 —I D1
89 ZU D0
88 zu rs
86 i X1
85 ZU HD3
83 =IVSS
81 =lCVpp
80 =ivss
76 HlTDI
73 ZU EMU0
71 ZU HD2
66 ^vss
65 =lDVpp
33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu CO O co Q Q X X >- Q Q CO CO Q Q -. > u- u- a: > > o to x q
Ј9 t DVqq is the power supply forthe I/O pins while CVqd is the power supply forthe core CPU, and Vss is the ground for both the I/O pins and the core CPU. The '54x signal descriptions table lists each terminal name, function, and operating mode(s) forthe forthe TMS320LC545PBK (128-pin TQFP package). Forthe 'LC545 (128-pin TQFP package), the letter B in front of CLKR, FSR, DR, CLKX, FSX, and DX pin names denotes buffered serial port (BSP). No letter in front of CLKR, FSR, DR, CLKX, FSX, and DX pin names denotes standard serial port. ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C - FEBRUARY 1996 - REVISED DECEMBER 1999
o Q co !>
< < < < <<<<<< >>>O QQQQ Q QQQQ Q Q
n n n n n n n n n n nnnnnnnn ~| i n n n n n
vss c 1 100
& S 8 S 8 g 5 gggfeSSSS s
[^ f2 75 3 D5
A10 n 2
74 3 D4
A11 c 3
73 3 D3
A12 c 4
72 3 D2
A13 c 5
71 3 D1
A14 c 6
70 3 D0
A15 c 7
69 3 RS
cvDD c 8
68 3 X2/CLKIN
vss c 9
67 3 X1
vss c 10
cvDD c 11
65 3 vss
READY c 12
64 3 cvDD
PS c 13
63 3 vss
DS n 14
62 J TMS
r§ c 15
61 3 TCK
R/W L" 16
60 3 TRST
MSTRB c 17
59 3 TDI
58 3 TDO
MSC C 19
57 3 EMU1/OFF
XF c 20
56 3 EMU0
HOLDA c 21
55 3 TOUT
Iaq c 22
54 3 CNT
HOLD c 23
53 3 CLKMD3
HO c 24
52 3 CLKMD2
MP/MC n 25
51 3 CLKMD1
"?^" § S /
u u u u u u u u u u LJUULJUULJU J _l U U U u u
a: a: a: ce ce ce X X co Q X X Q co X X
— O
CL CO Q Q *. X- CO CL CQ —' —' > Q CO CO Q CO Q Q > LL LL > > CQ O < z 1— ~Z. 1 1—
o o CQ o o O CQ Q
t DVpDisthe powersupply forthe I/O pins while CVopisthe powersupply forthe core CPU, and Vss is the ground for both the I/O pins and the core CPU. The '54x signal descriptions table lists each terminal name, function, and operating mode(s) forthe forthe TMS320LC546PZ (100-pin TQFP package). Forthe 'LC546 (100-pin TQFP package), the letter B in front of CLKR, FSR, DR, FSX, and DX denotes buffered serial port (BSP). No letter in front of CLKR, FSR, DR, FSX, and DX denotes standard serial port. ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C- FEBRUARY 1996- REVISED DECEMBER 1999 TMS320LC548, TMS320LC549, and TMS320VC549 PGE PACKAGEtt (TOP VIEW) Q O > <Q ] A18 ] A17 VSS ] A16 ] D5 ] D4 ] D3 ] D2 ] D1 ] D0 ] RS ] X2/CLKIN ] X1 ] HD3 ] CLKOUT VSS ] HPIENA CVDD VSS ] TMS ] TCK ] TRST ] TDI ] TDO ] EMU1/OFF ] EMU0 ] TOUT ] HD2 ] TEST1 ] CLKMD3 ] CLKMD2 ] CLKMD1 VSS DVDD ] BDX1 ] BFSX1 A22 [ vSs[ DVDD[ A10 [ HD7 [ A11 [ A12 [ A13 [ A14 [ A15 [ CVDD[ HAS [ CVDD[ HCS_[ HR/W[ READY [ PS[ D_S IS_ R/W[ MSTRB[ IOSTRB [ MSC [ XF[ HOLDA [ IAQ [ HOLD [ BIO [ MP/MC[ DVDD[ vsst BDR1 [ BFSR1 [
Q Q <n > 05 q m Q <n CD > 05 Q Q > CM f < < Q I>OIQQQIQQQ
1 O 108
2 107
3 106
4 105
5 104
6 103
7 102
8 101
9 100
10 99
11 98
12 97
13 96
14 95
15 94
16 93
17 92
18 91
19 90
20 89
21 88
22 87
23 86
24 85
25 84
26 83
27 82
28 81
29 80
30 79
31 78
32 77
33 76
34 75
35 74
36 73
<n *- g *- a: p x c/3 O Oh- X
h qQ O CD t NC = No connection t DVqq is the power supply for the I/O pins while CVqq is the power supply for the core CPU, and Vss is tne ground for both the I/O pins and the core CPU. The '54x signal descriptions table lists each terminal name, function, and operating mode(s) for the TMS320LC548PGE (144-pin TQFP package). For the 'LC548, 'LC549 and 'VC549 (144-pin TQFP package), the letter B in front of CLKRn, FSRn, DRn, CLKXn, FSXn, and DXn pin names denotes buffered serial port (BSP), where n = 0 or 1 port. The letter T in front of CLKR, FSR, DR, CLKX, FSX, and DX pin names denotes time-division multiplexed (TDM) serial port. ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C - FEBRUARY 1996 - REVISED DECEMBER 1999 TMS320LC548, TMS320LC549," rMS320VC549
13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
0 0 0 0 0 o o o 0 o o o o A
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 E
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 F
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 G
0 0 0 0
o o o o H
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 J
0 0 0 0 0 o o o 0 o o o o K
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 L
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N
The pin assignments table to follow lists each signal quadrant and BGA ball pin numberforthe TMS320LC548, TMS320LC549, and TMS320VC549 (144-pin BGA package). The '54x signal descriptions table lists each terminal name, function, and operating mode(s) for the TMS320LC548GGU, TMS320LC549GGU, and TMS320VC549GGU. 10 ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C- FEBRUARY 1996- REVISED DECEMBER 1999 Pin Assignments for the TMS320LC548GGU, TMS320LC549GGU, and TMS320VC549GGU (144-Pin BGA Package)t
vss A1 BFSX1 N13 vss N1 A19 A13
A22 B1 BDX1 M13 BCLKR1 N2 A20 A12
vss C2 DVDD L12 HCNTL0 M3 vss B11
DVDD C1 vss L13 vss N3 DVDD A11
A10 D4 CLKMD1 K10 BCLKR0 K4 D6 D10
A11 D2 CLKMD3 K12 BFSR0 M4 D8 B10
A12 D1 TEST1 K13 TFSR/TADD N4 D9 A10
A13 E4 HD2 J10 BDR0 K5 D10 D9
A14 E3 TOUT J11 HCNTL1 L5 D11 C9
A15 E2 EMU0 J12 TDR M5 D12 B9
vss F3 TDI H11 vss L6 D14 C8
vss F2 TRST H12 HINT M6 D15 B8
cvDD F1 TCK H13 CVDD N6 HD5 A8
HR/W G1 vss G13 TFSX/TFRM N7 vss A7
DS H1 vss F13 vss N8 HDS2 A6
R/W H3 HD3 F11 BDX0 L8 A0 C6
MSTRB H4 X1 F10 TDX K8 A1 D6
XF J3 D0 E11 NMI L9 HD6 C5
HOLDA J4 D1 E10 INT0 K9 A4 D5
IAQ K1 D2 D13 INT1 N10 A5 A4
HOLD K2 D3 D12 INT2 M10 A6 B4
BIO K3 D4 D11 INT3 L10 A7 C4
MP/MC L1 D5 C13 cvDD N11 A8 A3
DVDD L2 A16 C12 HD1 M11 A9 B3
vss L3 vss C11 vss L11 cvDD C3
BDR1 M1 A17 B13 BCLKX1 N12 A21 A2
BFSR1 M2 A18 B12 vss M12 vss B2
t DVqq is the power supply for the I/O pins while CVqq is the power supply for the core CPU, and Vss is tne ground for both the I/O pins and the core CPU. ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 11 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C - FEBRUARY 1996 - REVISED DECEMBER 1999 '54x Signal Descriptions TERMINAL
A22 (MSB) Parallel port address bus A22 (MSB) through A0 (LSB). The sixteen LSBs (A15-A0) are multiplexed to address
external data/program memory or I/O. A15-A0 are placed in the high-impedance state in the hold mode. A15-A0
also go into the high-impedance state when EMU1/OFF is low. The seven MSBs (A22 to A16) are used for
extended program memory addressing ('548 and '549 only).
On the '548 and '549 devices, the address bus have a feature called bus holder that eliminates passive
components and the power dissipation associated with it. The bus holders keep the address bus at the previous
logic level when the bus goes into a high-impedance state. The bus holders on the address bus are always
A11 O/Z
A2 A1
A0 (LSB)
D15 (MSB) Parallel port data bus D15 (MSB) through D0 (LSB). D15-D0are multiplexed to transfer data between the core
CPU and external data/program memory or I/O devices. D15-D0 are placed in the high-impedance state when
not output or when RS or HOLD is asserted. D15-D0also go into the high-impedance state when EMU1/OFF
is low.
The data bus has a feature called bus holder that eliminates passive components and the power dissipation
associated with it. The bus holders keep the data bus at the previous logic level when the bus goes into a
high-impedance state. These bus holders are enabled or disabled by the BH bit in the bank switching control
D8 D7 I/O/Z register (BSCR).
D2 D1
D0 (LSB)
Interrupt acknowledge signal. IACK indicates the receipt of an interrupt and that the program counter is fetching
IACK O/Z the interrupt vector location designated by A15-0. IACK also goes into the high-impedance state when
EMU1/OFF is low.
INT1 1 External user interrupt inputs. INT0-INT3are prioritized and are maskable by the interrupt mask register and the
INT2 I interrupt mode bit. INT0 -INT3 can be polled and reset by the interrupt flag register.
1I = Input, O = Output, Z = High impedance 12 ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C- FEBRUARY 1996- REVISED DECEMBER 1999 '54x Signal Descriptions (Continued)
nmI i Nonmaskable interrupt. NMI is an external interrupt that cannot be masked by way ofthe INTMorthe IMR. When NMI is activated, the processor traps to the appropriate vector location.
RS I Reset input. RS causes the DSP to terminate execution and forces the program counter to 0FF80h. When RS is brought to a high level, execution begins at location 0FF80h of the program memory. RS affects various registers and status bits.
MP/MC I Microprocessor/microcomputer mode-select pin. If active-low at reset (microcomputer mode), MP/MC causes the internal program ROM to be mapped into the upper program memory space. In the microprocessor mode, off-chip memory and its corresponding addresses (instead of internal program ROM) are accessed by the DSP.
CNT I I/O level select. For 5-V operation, all input and output voltage levels are TTL-compatible when CNT is pulled down to a low level. For 3-V operation with CMOS-compatible I/O interface levels, CNT is pulled to a high level.
bio i Branch control input. A branch can be conditionally executed when BIO is active. If low, the processor executes the conditional instruction. The BIO condition is sampled during the decode phase ofthe pipeline for the XC instruction, and all other instructions sample BIO during the read phase ofthe pipeline.
XF O/Z External flag output (latched software-programmable signal). XF is set high by the SSBX XF instruction, set low by RSBX XF instruction or by loading the ST1 status register. XF is used for signaling other processors in multiprocessor configurations or as a general-purpose output pin. XF goes into the high-impedance state when OFF is low, and is set high at reset.
DS PS O/Z IS Data, program, and I/O space select signals. DS, PS, and IS are always high unless driven low for communicating to a particular external space. Active period corresponds to valid address information. Placed into a high-impedance state in hold mode. DS, PS, and IS also go into the high-impedance state when EMU1/OFF is low.
MSTRB O/Z Memory strobe signal. MSTRB is always high unless low-level asserted to indicate an external bus access to data or program memory. Placed in high-impedance state in hold mode. MSTRB also goes into the high-impedance state when OFF is low.
READY I Data-ready input. READY indicates that an external device is prepared for a bus transaction to be completed. If the device is not ready (READY is low), the processor waits one cycle and checks READY again. Note that the processor performs ready-detection if at least two software wait states are programmed. The READY signal is not sampled until the completion ofthe software wait states.
R/W O/Z Read/write signal. R/W indicates transfer direction during communication to an external device and is normally high (in read mode), unless asserted low when the DSP performs a write operation. Placed in the high-impedance state in hold mode, R/W also goes into the high-impedance state when EMU1/OFF is low.
IOSTRB O/Z I/O strobe signal. IOSTRB is always high unless low level asserted to indicate an external bus access to an I/O device. Placed in high-impedance state in hold mode. IOSTRB also goes into the high-impedance state when EMU1/OFFislow.
HOLD I Hold input. HOLD is asserted to request control ofthe address, data, and control lines. When acknowledged by the '54x, these lines go into high-impedance state.
HOLDA O/Z Hold acknowledge signal. HOLDA indicates to the external circuitry that the processor is in a hold state and that the address, data, and control lines are in a high-impedance state, allowing them to be available to the external circuitry. HOLDA also goes into the high-impedance state when EMU1/OFF is low.
MSC O/Z Microstate complete signal. Goes low on CLKOUT falling at the start ofthe first software wait state. Remains low until one CLKOUT cycle before the last programmed software wait state. If connected to the READY line, MSC forces one external wait state after the last internal wait state has been completed. MSC also goes into the high-impedance state when EM1/OFF is low.
1I = Input, O = Output, Z = High impedance ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 13 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C - FEBRUARY 1996 - REVISED DECEMBER 1999 '54x Signal Descriptions (Continued) TERMINAL NAME TYPEt DESCRIPTION
Iaq o/z Instruction acquisition signal. IAQ is asserted (active low) when there is an instruction address on the address bus and goes into the high-impedance state when EMU1/OFF is low.
CLKOUT O/Z Master clock output signal. CLKOUT cycles at the machine-cycle rate of the CPU. The internal machine cycle is bounded by the falling edges ofthis signal. CLKOUT also goes into the high-impedance state when EMU1/OFF is low.
CLKMD1 CLKMD2 I CLKMD3 Clock mode external/internal input signals. CLKMD1, CLKMD2, and CLKMD3 allow you to select and configure different clock modes, such as crystal, external clock, and various PLL factors. Refer to PLL section for a detailed functional description of these pins.
X2/CLKIN I Input pin to internal oscillator from the crystal. If the internal (crystal) oscillator is not being used, a clock can become input to the device using this pin. The internal machine cycle time is determined by the clock operating-mode pins (CLKMD1, CLKMD2 and CLKMD3).
X1 O Output pin from the internal oscillator for the crystal. If the internal oscillator is not used, X1 should be left unconnected. X1 does not go into the high-impedance state when EMU1/OFF is low.
TOUT O/Z Timer output. TOUT signals a pulse when the on-chip timer counts down past zero. The pulse is a CLKOUT-cycle wide. TOUT also goes into the high-impedance state when EMU1/OFF is low.
BCLKR0 BCLKR1 Receive clocks. External clock signal for clocking data from the data-receive (DR) pin into the buffered serial port receive shift registers (RSRs). Must be present during buffered serial port transfers. If the buffered serial port is not being used, BCLKR0 and BCLKR1 can be sampled as an input by way of IN0 bit of the SPC register.
BCLKX0 BCLKX1 UUI^ Transmit clock. Clock signal for clocking data from the serial port transmit shift register (XSR) to the data transmit (DX) pin. BCLKX can be an input if MCM in the serial port control register is cleared to 0. It also can be driven by the device at 1/(CLKDV+ 1) where CLKDV range is 0-31 CLKOUT frequency when MCM is set to 1. If the buffered serial port is not used, BCLKX can be sampled as an input by way of IN1 of the SPC register. BCLKX0 and BCLKX1 go into the high-impedance state when OFF is low.
BDR0 BDR1 ' Buffered serial-data-receive input. Serial data is received in the RSR by BDR0/BDR1.
BDX0 BDX1 O/Z Buffered serial-port-transmit output. Serial data is transmitted from the XSR by way of BDX. BDX0 and BDX1 are placed in the high-impedance state when not transmitting and when EMU1/OFF is low.
BFSR0 BFSR1 Frame synchronization pulse for receive input. The falling edge of the BFSR pulse initiates the data-receive process, beginning the clocking of the RSR.
BFSX0 I/O/Z BFSX1 UUI^ Frame synchronization pulse for transmit input/output. The falling edge of the BFSX pulse initiates the data-transmit process, beginning the clocking of the XSR. Following reset, the default operating condition of BFSX is an input. BFSX0 and BFSX1 can be selected by software to be an output when TXM in the serial control register is set to 1. This pin goes into the high-impedance state when EMU1/OFF is low.
CLKR0 CLKR1 Receive clocks. External clock signal for clocking data from the data receive (DR) pin into the serial port receive shift register (RSR). Must be present during serial port transfers. If the serial port is not being used, CLKR0 and CLKR1 can be sampled as an input via IN0 bit of the SPC register.
CLKX0 I/O/Z CLKX1 "u/^ Transmit clock. Clock signal for clocking data from the serial port transmit shift register (XSR) to the data transmit (DX) pin. CLKX can be an input if MCM in the serial port control register is cleared to 0. It also can be driven by the device at 1/4 CLKOUT frequency when MCM is set to 1. If the serial port is not used, CLKX can be sampled as an input via IN1 of the SPC register. CLKX0 and CLKX1 go into the high-impedance state when EMU1/OFF is low.
DR0 DR1 Serial-data-receive input. Serial data is received in the RSR by DR.
1I = Input, O = Output, Z = High impedance 14 ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C- FEBRUARY 1996- REVISED DECEMBER 1999 '54x Signal Descriptions (Continued) TERMINAL NAME TYPEt DESCRIPTION
DX0 DX1 O/Z Serial port transmit output. Serial data is transmitted from the XSR via DX. DX0 and DX1 are placed in the high-impedance state when not transmitting and when EMU1/OFF is low.
FSR0 FSR1 I Frame synchronization pulse for receive input. The falling edge of the FSR pulse initiates the data-receive process, beginning the clocking of the RSR.
FSX0 FSX1 I/O/Z Frame synchronization pulse fortransmit input/output. The falling edge of the FSX pulse initiates the data transmit process, beginning the clocking of the XSR. Following reset, the default operating condition of FSX is an input. FSX0 and FSX1 can be selected by software to be an output when TXM in the serial control register is set to 1. This pin goes into the high-impedance state when EMU1/OFF is low.
TCLKR I TDM receive clock input
TDR I TDM serial data-receive input
TFSR/TADD I/O TDM receive frame synchronization or TDM address
HD0-HD7 I/O/Z Parallel bidirectional data bus. HD0-HD7 are placed in the high-impedance state when not outputting data. The signals go into the high-impedance state when EMU1/OFF is low. These pins each have bus holders similar to those on the address/data bus, but which are always enabled.
HCNTL0 HCNTL1 I Control inputs
HBIL I Byte-identification input
HCS I Chip-select input
HDS1 HDS2 I Data strobe inputs
HAS I Address strobe input
HR/W I Read/write input
HRDY O/Z Ready output. This signal goes into the high-impedance state when EMU1/OFF is low.
HINT O/Z Interrupt output. When the DSP is in reset, this signal is driven high. The signal goes into the high-impedance state when EMU1/OFF is low.
HPIENA I HPI module select input. This signal must be tied to a logic 1 state to have HPI selected. If this input is left open or connected to ground, the HPI module will not be selected, internal pullup for the HPI input pins are enabled, and the HPI data bus has keepers set. This input is provided with an internal pull-down resistor which is active only when RS is low. HPIENA is sampled when RS goes high and ignored until RS goes low again. Refer to the Electrical Characteristics section for the input current requirements for this pin.
cvDD Supply +Vdq. CVqq is the dedicated power supply for the core CPU.
DVDD Supply +Vdq. DVqq is the dedicated power supply for I/O pins.
vSs Supply Ground. Vss is the dedicated power ground for the device.
1I = Input, O = Output, Z = High impedance ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 15 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C - FEBRUARY 1996 - REVISED DECEMBER 1999 '54x Signal Descriptions (Continued) TERMINAL NAME TYPEt DESCRIPTION
TCK I IEEE standard 1149.1 test clock. Pin with internal pullup device. This is normally a free-running clock signal with a 50% duty cycle. The changes on the test-access port (TAP) of input signals TMS and TDI are clocked into the TAP controller, instruction register, or selected test data register on the rising edge of TCK. Changes at the TAP output signal (TDO) occur on the falling edge of TCK.
TDI I IEEE standard 1149.1 test data input. Pin with internal pullup device. TDI is clocked into the selected register (instruction or data) on a rising edge of TCK.
TDO O/Z IEEE standard 1149.1 test data output. The contents of the selected register (instruction or data) is shifted out of TDO on the falling edge of TCK. TDO is in the high-impedance state except when the scanning of data is in progress. TDO also goes into the high-impedance state when EMU1/OFF is low.
TMS I IEEE standard 1149.1 test mode select. Pin with internal pullup device. This serial control input is clocked into the TAP controller on the rising edge of TCK.
TRST I IEEE standard 1149.1 test reset. TRST, when high, gives the IEEE standard 1149.1 scan system control of the operations of the device. If TRST is not connected or driven low, the device operates in its functional mode, and the IEEE standard 1149.1 signals are ignored. Pin with internal pulldown device.
EMU0 I/O/Z Emulator interrupt 0 pin. When TRST is driven low, EMU0 must be high for the activation of the EMU1/OFF condition. When TRST is driven high, EMU0 is used as an interrupt to or from the emulator system and is defined as input/output by way of IEEE standard 1149.1 scan system.
EMU1/OFF I/O/Z Emulator interrupt 1 pin/disable all outputs. When TRST is driven high, EMU1/OFF is used as an interrupt to or from the emulator system and is defined as input/output byway of IEEE standard 1149.1 scan system. When TRST is driven low, EMU1/OFF is configured as OFF. The EMU1/OFF signal, when active low, puts all output drivers into the high-impedance state. Note that OFF is used exclusively for testing and emulation purposes (not for multiprocessing applications). Therefore, for the OFF condition, the following conditions apply: TRST = low, EMU0 = high EMU1/OFF = low
TEST1 I Test1 - Reserved for internal use only ('LC548, 'LC549, and 'VC549 only). This pin must not be connected (NC).
1I = Input, O = Output, Z = High impedance architecture The '54x DSPs use an advanced, modified Harvard architecture that maximizes processing power by maintaining three separate bus structures for data memory and one for program memory. Separate program and data spaces allow simultaneous access to program instructions and data, providing a high degree of parallelism. For example, two read and one write operations can be performed in a single cycle. Instructions with parallel store and application-specific instructions fully utilize this architecture. In addition, data can be transferred between data and program spaces. Such parallelism supports a powerful set of arithmetic, logic, and bit-manipulation operations that can all be performed in a single machine cycle. In addition, the '54x include the control mechanisms to manage interrupts, repeated operations, and function calls. The functional block diagram includes the principal blocks and bus structure in the '54x devices. 16 ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C- FEBRUARY 1996- REVISED DECEMBER 1999 functional block diagram of the '54x internal hardware System Control Interface Program Address Generation Logic (PAGEN) Data Address Generation Logic (DAGEN)
o PC, IPTR, RC, BRC, RSA, REA ARAU0,ARAU1, AR0-AR7 ARP, BK, DP, SP PAB pb r CAB f CB|_ DAB f Memory And External Interface
Multiplier(17x17) Fractional \ MUX / V1 ¦/ \ Adder(40) / ZERO SAT ROUND V ALU(40) Legend:
A Accumulator A
B Accumulator B
C CB Data Bus
D DB Data Bus
E EB Data Bus
M MAC Unit
P PB Program Bus
S Barrel Shifter
T T Register
\ MUX COMP TRN TC Barrel Shifter MSW/LSW Select
^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 17 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C - FEBRUARY 1996 - REVISED DECEMBER 1999 central processing unit (CPU) The CPU of the '54x devices contains: A 40-bit arithmetic logic unit (ALU) Two 40-bit accumulators A barrel shifter A 17 x 17-bit multiplier/adder A compare, select and store unit (CSSU) arithmetic logic unit (ALU) The '54x devices perform 2s-complement arithmetic using: a 40-bit arithmetic logic unit (ALU) and two 40-bit accumulators (ACCA and ACCB). The ALU also can perform Boolean operations. The ALU can function as two 16-bit ALUs and perform two 16-bit operations simultaneously when the C16 bit in status register 1 (ST1) is set. accumulators The accumulators, ACCA and ACCB, store the output from the ALU or the multiplier/adder block; the accumulators can also provide a second input to the ALU orthe multiplier/ adder. The accumulators are divided into three parts: Guard bits (bits 32-39) A high-order word (bits 16-31) A low-order word (bits 0-15) Instructions are provided for storing the guard bits, the high- and the low-order accumulator words in data memory, and for manipulating 32-bit accumulatorwords in or out of data memory. Also, any of the accumulators can be used as temporary storage for the other. barrel shifter The '54x's barrel shifter has a 40-bit input connected to the accumulator, or data memory (CB, DB) and a 40-bit output connected to the ALU, or data memory (EB). The barrel shifter produces a left shift of 0 to 31 bits and a right shift of 0 to 16 bits on the input data. The shift requirements are defined in the shift-count field (ASM) of ST1 or defined in the temporary register (TREG), which is designated as a shift-count register. This shifter and the exponent detector normalize the values in an accumulator in a single cycle. The least significant bits (LSBs) of the output are filled with 0s and the most significant bits (MSBs) can be eitherzero-filled or sign-extended, depending on the state of the sign-extended mode bit (SXM) of ST1. Additional shift capabilities enable the processorto perform numerical scaling, bit extraction, extended arithmetic, and overflow prevention operations. multiplier/adder The multiplier/adder performs 17 x 17-bit 2s-complement multiplication with a 40-bit accumulation in a single instruction cycle. The multiplier/adder block consists of several elements: a multiplier, adder, signed/unsigned input control, fractional control, a zero detector, a rounder (2s-complement), overflow/saturation logic, and TREG. The multiplier has two inputs: one input is selected from the TREG, a data-memory operand, or an accumulator; the other is selected from the program memory, the data memory, an accumulator, or an immediate value. The fast on-chip multiplier allows the '54x to perform operations such as convolution, correlation, and filtering efficiently. In addition, the multiplier and ALU together execute multiply/accumulate (MAC) computations and ALU operations in parallel in a single instruction cycle. This function is used in determining the Euclid distance, and in implementing symmetrical and least mean square (LMS) filters, which are required for complex DSP algorithms. Texas Instruments 1 8 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C- FEBRUARY 1996- REVISED DECEMBER 1999 compare, select and store unit (CSSU) The compare, select and store unit (CSSU) performs maximum comparisons between the accumulator's high and low word, allows the test/control (TC) flag bit of status register 0 (ST0) and the transition (TRN) register to keep their transition histories, and selects the larger word in the accumulator to be stored in data memory. The CSSU also accelerates Viterbi-type butterfly computation with optimized on-chip hardware. program control Program control is provided by several hardware and software mechanisms: The program controller decodes instructions, manages the pipeline, stores the status of operations, anddecodes conditional operations. Some of the hardware elements included in the program controller are theprogram counter, the status and control register, the stack, and the address-generation logic. Some of the software mechanisms used for program control include branches, calls, conditionalinstructions, a repeat instruction, reset, and interrupts. power-down modes There are three power-down modes, activated by the IDLE1, IDLE2, and IDLE3 instructions. In these modes, the '54x devices enter a dormant state and dissipate considerably less power than in normal operation. The IDLE1 instruction is used to shutdown the CPU. The IDLE2 instruction is used to shutdown the CPU and on-chip peripherals. The IDLE3 instruction is used to shut down the '54x processor completely. This instruction stops the PLL circuitry as well as the CPU and peripherals. bus structure The '54x device architecture is built around eight major 16-bit buses: One program-read bus (PB), which carries the instruction code and immediate operands from programmemory Two data-read buses (CB, DB) and one data-write bus (EB), which interconnect to various elements, suchas the CPU, data-address generation logic, program-address generation logic, on-chip peripherals, anddata memory The CB and DB carry the operands read from data memory. The EB carries the data to be written to memory. • Four address buses (PAB, CAB, DAB, and EAB), which carry the addresses needed for instructionexecution The '54x devices have the capability to generate up to two data-memory addresses per cycle, which are stored into two auxiliary register arithmetic units (ARAU0 and ARAU1). The PB can carry data operands stored in program space (for instance, a coefficient table) to the multiplier for multiply/accumulate operations or to a destination in data space for the data move instruction. This capability allows implementation of single-cycle three-operand instructions such as FIRS. The '54x devices also have an on-chip bidirectional bus for accessing on-chip peripherals; this bus is connected to DB and EB through the bus exchanger in the CPU interface. Accesses using this bus can require more than two cycles for reads and writes depending on the peripheral's structure. The '54x devices can have bus keepers connected to the data bus. Bus keepers ensure that the data bus does not float. When bus keepers are enabled, the data bus maintains its previous level. Setting bit 1 of the bank switching control register (BSCR) enables bus keepers and clearing bit 1 disables the bus keepers. A reset automatically disables the bus keepers. ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 1 9 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C - FEBRUARY 1996 - REVISED DECEMBER 1999 bus structure (continued) The '548 and '549 devices also have equivalent bus keepers connected to the address bus. The bus keepers ensure the address bus does not float when in high-impedance. For the '548 and '549 devices, the bus keepers are always enabled. Table 2 summarizes the buses used by various types of accesses.
Table 2. Bus Usage for Accesses
Program read V
Program write V
Data single read
Data dual read
Data long (32-bit) read
V(hw) V(lw)
V(hw) V(lw)
Data single write
Data read/data write
Dual read/coefficient read V V V
Peripheral read
Peripheral write
Legend: hw = high 16-bit word lw = low 16-bit word memory The total memory address range for the host of'54x devices is 192K 16-bit words. The '548 and '549 devices have 8M-word program memory. The memory space is divided into three specific memory segments: 64K-word program, 64K-word data, and 64K-word I/O. The program memory space contains the instructions to be executed as well as tables used in execution. The data memory space stores data used by the instructions. The I/O memory space interfaces to external memory-mapped peripherals and can also serve as extra data storage space. The parallel nature of the architecture of these DSPs allows them to perform four concurrent memory operations in any given machine cycle: fetching an instruction, reading two operands, and writing an operand. The four parallel buses are the program-read bus (PB), the data-write bus (EB) and the two data-read buses (CB and DB). Each bus accesses different memory spaces fordifferent aspects of the DSP's operation. Additionally, this architecture allows dual-operand reads, 32-bit-long word accesses, and a single read with a parallel store. The '54x DSPs include on-chip memory to aid in system performance and integration. on-chip ROM The'C541 and'LC541 feature a 28K-wordx 16-bit on-chip maskable ROM. 8K words of the'C541 and'LC541 ROM can be mapped into program and data memory space if the data ROM (DROM) bit in the processor mode status (PMST) register is set. This allows an instruction to use data stored in the ROM as an operand. The 'LC545/'LC546 all feature a 48K-word x 16-bit on-chip maskable ROM. 16K words of the ROM on these devices can be mapped into program and data memory space if the DROM bit in the PMST register is set. The 'C542/'LC542/'LC543/'LC548 all feature 2K-word x 16-bit on-chip ROM. The 'LC549 and 'VC549 feature 16K-word x 16-bit on-chip ROM. 20 ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C- FEBRUARY 1996- REVISED DECEMBER 1999 on-chip ROM (continued) Customers can arrange to have the ROM of the '54x programmed with contents unique to any particular application. on-chip dual-access RAM (DARAM) The '541 devices have a 5K-word x 16-bit on-chip DARAM (5 blocks of 1K-word each). The '542 and '543 devices have a 10K-word x 16-bit on-chip DARAM (5 blocks of 2K-word each). The '545 and '546 devices have a 6K-word x 16-bit on-chip DARAM (3 blocks of 2K-word each). The '548 and '549 devices have a 8K-word x 16-bit on-chip DARAM (4 blocks of 2K-word each). Each of these RAM blocks can be accessed twice per machine cycle. This memory is intended primarily to store data values; however, it can be used to store program as well. At reset, the DARAM is mapped into data memory space. DARAM can be mapped into program/data memory space by setting the OVLY bit in the PMST register. on-chip single-access RAM (SARAM) The '548 and '549 devices have a 24Kword x 16 bit on-chip SARAM (three blocks of 8K words each). Each of these SARAM blocks is a single-access memory. This memory is intended primarily to store data values; however, it can be used to store program as well. At reset, the SARAM is mapped into data memory space (2000h-7FFFh). SARAM can be mapped into program/data memory space by setting the OVLY bit in the PMST register. on-chip memory security The '54x devices have a maskable option to protect the contents of on-chip memories. When the related bit is set, no externally originating instruction can access the on-chip memory spaces. ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 21 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C - FEBRUARY 1996 - REVISED DECEMBER 1999 memory (continued) Hex Program
Hex Data 0000 005F 0060 007F 0080 17FF Memory-Mapped Registers
Scratch-Pad RAM
On-Chip DARAM (6K Words)
1800 BFFF External
C000 FEFF On-Chip ROM (DROM= 1) or External (DROM = 0)
FF00 FFFF Reserved (DROM=1) or External (DROM= 0)
^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 23 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C - FEBRUARY 1996 - REVISED DECEMBER 1999 memory (continued) Hex Program
0000 007F Reserved (OVLY=1) or External (OVLY=0)
0080 1FFF On-Chip DARAM (OVLY=1) or External (OVLY=0)
2000 7FFF On-Chip SARAM (OVLY=1) or External (OVLY=0)
8000 FF7F External
FF80 FFFF Interrupts and Reserved (External)
Hex Program
0000 007F 0080 1FFF Reserved (OVLY=1) or External (OVLY=0)
On-Chip DARAM (OVLY=1) or External (OVLY=0)
2000 7FFF On-Chip SARAM (OVLY= 1) or External (OVLY=0)
8000 EFFF External
F000 F7FF Reserved
F800 FF7F On-Chip ROM (2K Words)
FF80 FFFF Interrupts and Reserved (On-Chip)
Hex Data
0000 005F Memory-Mapped Registers
0060 007F Scratch-Pad RAM
On-Chip DARAM (8K Words)
On-Chip SARAM (24K Words)
MP/MC=1 (Microprocessor Mode) MP/MC= 0 (Microcomputer Mode) Figure 4. Memory Map ('548 only) (In the case of a 64K Program Word Address Reach)
24 ^? Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C- FEBRUARY 1996- REVISED DECEMBER 1999 memory (continued) Hex Program
0000 007F Reserved (OVLY=1) or External (OVLY=0)
0080 1FFF On-Chip DARAM (OVLY=1) or External (OVLY=0)
2000 7FFF On-Chip SARAM (OVLY=1) or External (OVLY=0)
8000 FF7F External
FF80 FFFF Interrupts and Reserved (External)
Hex Program
0000 007F Reserved (OVLY= 1) or External (OVLY=0)
0080 1FFF On-Chip DARAM (OVLY= 1) or External (OVLY=0)
2000 7FFF On-Chip SARAM (OVLY=1) or External (OVLY=0)
8000 BFFF C000 FEFF FF00 FFFF External
On-Chip ROM (16K Words)
Interrupts and Reserved (On-Chip)
Hex Data
0000 005F Memory-Mapped Registers
0060 007F Scratch-Pad RAM
0080 1FFF On-Chip DARAM (8K Words)
2000 7FFF On-Chip SARAM (24K Words)
8000 BFFF External
C000 FEFF On-Chip ROM (DROM=1) or External (DROM = 0)
FF00 FFFF Reserved (DROM= 1) or External (DROM= 0)
t See Figure 4 and Figure 5 for more information about this on-chip memory region. t These pages available when OVLY = 0when on-chip RAM is not mapped in program space or data space. When OVLY = 1 the first 32K words are all on page 0 when on-chip RAM is mapped in program space or data space. NOTE A: When the on-chip RAM is enabled in program space, all accesses to the region xx 0000 - xx 7FFF, regardless of page number, are mapped to the on-chip RAM at 00 0000 - 00 7FFF. Figure 6. Extended Program Memory ('548 and '549 only) ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 25 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C - FEBRUARY 1996 - REVISED DECEMBER 1999 program memory The external program memory space on the '54x devices addresses up to 64K 16-bit words. Software can configure their memory cells to reside inside or outside of the program address map. When the cells are mapped into program space, the device automatically accesses them when their addresses are within bounds. When the program-address generation (PAGEN) logic generates an address outside its bounds, the device automatically generates an external access. The advantages of operating from on-chip memory are as follows: Higher performance because no wait states are required Lower cost than external memory Lower power than external memory The advantage of operating from off-chip memory is the ability to access a larger address space. program memory address map The reset, interrupt, and trap vectors are addressed in program space. These vectors are soft — meaning that the processor, when taking the trap, loads the program counter (PC) with the trap address and executes the code at the vector location. Fourwords are reserved at each vector location to accommodate a delayed branch instruction, and either two 1-word instructions or one 2-word instruction, which allows branching to the appropriate interrupt service routine without the overhead. At device reset, the reset, interrupt, and trap vectors are mapped to address FF80h in program space. However, these vectors can be remapped to the beginning of any 128-word page in program space after device reset. This is done by loading the interrupt vector pointer (IPTR) bits in the PMST register with the appropriate 128-word page boundary address. After loading IPTR, any user interrupt or trap vector is mapped to the new 128-word page. For example: STM #05800h,PMST ;Remapped vectors to start at 5800h. This example moves the interrupt vectors to program space at address 05800h. Any subsequent interrupt (except for a device reset) fetches its interrupt vector from that new location. For example, if, after loading the IPTR, an INT2 occurs, the interrupt service routine vector is fetched from location 5848h in program space as opposed to location FFC8h. This feature facilitates moving the desired vectors out of the boot ROM and then removing the ROM from the memory map. Once the system code is booted into the system from the boot-loader code resident in ROM, the application reloads the IPTR with a value pointing to the new vectors. In the previous example, the STM instruction is used to modify the PMST. Note that the STM instruction modifies not only the IPTR but other status/control bits in the PMST register. NOTE: The hardware reset (RS) vector cannot be remapped, because the hardware reset loads the IPTR with 1s. Therefore, the reset vector is always fetched at location FF80h in program space. In addition, for the '54x, 128 words are reserved in the on-chip ROM for device-testing purposes. Application code written to be implemented in on-chip ROM must reserve these 128 words at addresses FF00h-FF7Fh in program space. extended program memory ('548 and '549 only) The '548 and '549 devices use a paged extended memory scheme in program space to allow access of up to 8M of program memory. This extended program memory is organized into 128 pages (0-127), each 64K in length. To implement the extended program memory scheme, the '548 and '549 device includes the following additional features: Seven additional address lines (for a total of 23) An extra memory-mapped register [program counter extension register (XPC)] Texas Instruments 26 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C- FEBRUARY 1996- REVISED DECEMBER 1999 extended program memory ('548 and '549 only) (continued) • Six new instructions for addressing extended program memory space: FB[D] — Far branch FBACC[D] — Far branch to the location specified by the value in accumulator A or accumulator B FCALA[D] — Far call to the location specified by the value in accumulator A or accumulator B FCALL[D] — Far call FRET[D] — Far return FRETE[D] — Far return with interrupts enabled • Two '54x instructions are extended to use the 23 bits in the '548 and '549 devices: READA — Read program memory addressed by accumulator A and store in data memory WRITA — Write data to program memory addressed by accumulator A For more information on these six new instructions and the two extended instructions, refer to the instruction set summary table in this data sheet and to the TMS320C54x DSP Reference Set, Volume 2, Mnemonic Instruction Set, literature number SPRU172. And for more information on extended program memory, refer to the TMS320C54x DSP Reference Set, Volume 1, CPU and Peripherals, literature number SPRU131. data memory The data memory space on the '54x device addresses contains up to 64K of 16-bit words. The 'devices automatically access the on-chip RAM when addressing within its bounds. When an address is generated outside the RAM bounds, the device automatically generates an external access. The advantages of operating from on-chip memory are as follows: Higher performance because no wait states are required Higher performance because of better flow within the pipeline of the CALU Lower cost than external memory Lower power than external memory The advantage of operating from off-chip memory is the ability to access a larger address space. bootloader A bootloader is available in the standard '54x on-chip ROM. This bootloader can be used to transfer user code from an external source to anywhere in the program memory at power up automatically. If MP/MC of the device is sampled low during a hardware reset, execution begins at location FF80h of the on-chip ROM. This location contains a branch instruction to the start of the bootloader program. The standard '54x devices provide different ways to download the code to accommodate various system requirements: Parallel from 8-bit or 16-bit-wide EPROM Parallel from I/O space 8-bit or 16-bit mode Serial boot from serial ports 8-bit or 16-bit mode Host-port interface boot ('542, '545, '548, and '549 devices only) Warm boot ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 27 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C - FEBRUARY 1996 - REVISED DECEMBER 1999 bootloader (continued) The bootloader provided in the on-chip ROM of the '548 and '549 devices implements several enhanced features. These include the addition of BSP and TDM boot modes. To accommodate these new boot modes, the encoding of the boot-mode selection word has been modified. Fora detailed description of bootloader functionality, refer to the TMS320C54x DSP Reference Set, Volume 4: Applications Guide (literature number SPRU173). For a detailed description of the enhanced bootloader functionality, refer to the TMS320x548/'549 Bootloader Technical Reference. on-chip peripherals All the '54x devices have the same CPU structure; however, they have different on-chip peripherals connected to their CPUs. The on-chip peripheral options provided are: Software-programmable wait-state generator Programmable bank switching Parallel I/O ports Serial ports (standard, TDM, and BSP) A hardware timer A clock generator [with a multiple phase-locked loop (PLL) on '549 devices] software-programmable wait-state generators Software-programmable wait-state generators can be used to extend external bus cycles up to seven machine cycles to interface with slower off-chip memory and I/O devices. The software wait-state generators are incorporated without any external hardware. For off-chip memory access, a number of wait states can be specified for every 32K-word block of program and data memory space, and for one 64K-word block of I/O space within the software wait-state (SVWVSR) register. programmable bank-switching Programmable bank-switching can be used to insert one cycle automatically when crossing memory-bank boundaries inside program memory or data memory space. One cycle can also be inserted when crossing from program-memory space to data-memory space ('54x) or one program memory page to another program memory page ('548 and '549 only). This extra cycle allows memory devices to release the bus before other devices start driving the bus; thereby avoiding bus contention. The size of memory bank forthe bank-switching is defined by the bank-switching control register (BSCR). parallel I/O ports Each '54x device has a total of 64K I/O ports. These ports can be addressed by the PORTR instruction or the PORTW instruction. The IS signal indicates a read/write operation through an I/O port. The devices can interface easily with external devices through the I/O ports while requiring minimal off-chip address-decoding circuits. host-port interface ('542, '545, '548, and '549 only) The host-port interface (HPI) is an 8-bit parallel port used to interface a host processor to the DSP device. Information is exchanged between the DSP device and the host processor through on-chip memory that is accessible by both the host and the DSP device. The DSP devices have access to the HPI control (HPIC) register and the host can address the HPI memory through the HPI address register (HPIA). HPI memory is a 2K-word DARAM block that resides at 1000h to 17FFh in data memory and can also be used as general-purpose on-chip data or program DARAM. Texas Instruments 28 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C- FEBRUARY 1996- REVISED DECEMBER 1999 host-port interface ('542, '545, '548, and '549 only) (continued) Data transfers of 16-bit words occur as two consecutive bytes with a dedicated pin (HBIL) indicating whether the high or low byte is being transmitted. Two control pins, HCNTL1 and HCNTL0, control host access to the HPIA, HPI data (with an optional automatic address increment), or the HPIC. The host can interrupt the DSP device by writing to HPIC. The DSP device can interrupt the host with a dedicated HINT pin that the host can acknowledge and clear. The HPI has two modes of operation, shared-access mode (SAM) and host-only mode (HOM). In SAM, the normal mode of operation, both the DSP device and the host can access HPI memory. In this mode, asynchronous host accesses are resynchronized internally and, in case of conflict, the host has access priority and the DSP device waits one cycle. The HOM capability allows the host to access HPI memory while the DSP device is in IDLE2 (all internal clocks stopped) or in reset mode. The host can therefore access the HPI RAM while the DSP device is in its optimal configuration in terms of power consumption. The HPI control register has two data strobes, HDS1 and HDS2, a read/write strobe HR/W, and an address strobe HAS, to enable a glueless interface to a variety of industry-standard host devices. The HPI is interfaced easily to hosts with multiplexed address/data bus, separate address and data buses, one data strobe and a read/write strobe, or two separate strobes for read and write. The HPI supports high-speed back-to-back accesses. In the SAM, the HPI can handle one byte every five DSP device periods—that is, 64 MBps with a 40-MIPSDSP, or 160 MBps with a 100-MIPS DSP. The HPI is designed so that the host can take advantage of thishigh bandwidth and run at frequencies up to (f x n) ^5, where n is the number of host cycles for an externalaccess and f is the DSP device frequency. In HOM, the HPI supports high-speed back-to-back host accesses at 1 byte every 50 ns—that is, 160 MBpswith a -40 or faster DSP. serial ports The '54x devices provide high-speed full-duplex serial ports that allow direct interface to other '54x devices, codecs, and other devices in a system. There is a standard serial port, a time-division-multiplexed (TDM) serial port, and a buffered serial port (BSP). The '549 devices provides a misalignment detection feature to that allows the device to detect when a word or words are lost in the serial data line. The general-purpose serial port utilizes two memory-mapped registers for data transfer: the data-transmit register (DXR) and the data-receive register (DRR). Both of these registers can be accessed in the same manner as any other memory location. The transmit and receive sections of the serial port each have associated clocks, frame-synchronization pulses, and serial-shift registers; and serial data can be transferred either in bytes or in 16-bit words. Serial port receive and transmit operations can generate their own maskable transmit and receive interrupts (XINTand RINT), allowing serial-port transfers to be managed through software. The '54x serial ports are double-buffered and fully static. The TDM port allows the device to communicate through time-division multiplexing with up to seven other '54x devices with TDM ports. Time-division multiplexing is the division of time intervals into a number of subintervals with each subinterval representing a prespecified communications channel. The TDM port serially transmits 16-bit words on a single data line (TDAT) and destination addresses on a single address line (TADD). Each device can transmit data on a single channel and receive data from one or more of the eight channels, providing a simple and efficient interface for multiprocessing applications. A frame synchronization pulse occurs once every 128 clock cycles, corresponding to the transmission of one 16-bit word on each of the eight channels. Like the general-purpose serial port, the TDM port is double-buffered on both input and output data. The buffered serial port (BSP) consists of a full-duplex double-buffered serial-port interface and an auto-buffering unit (ABU). The serial port block of the BSP is an enhanced version of the standard serial port. The ABU allows the serial port to read/write directly to the '54x internal memory using a dedicated bus independent of the CPU. This results in minimal overhead for serial port transactions and faster data rates. ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 29 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C - FEBRUARY 1996 - REVISED DECEMBER 1999 serial ports (continued) When auto-buffering capability is disabled (standard mode), serial port transfers are performed undersoftware control through interrupts. In this mode, the ABU is transparent and the word-based interrupts (WXINT and WRINT) provided by the serial port are sent to the CPU as transmit interrupt (XINT) and receive interrupt (RINT). When auto buffering is enabled, word transfers are done directly between the serial port and the '54x internal memory using ABU-embedded address generators. The ABU has its own set of circular-addressing registers with corresponding address-generation units. Memory forthe buffers resides in 2K words of the '54x internal memory. The length and starting addresses of the buffers are user-programmable. A buffer-empty/buffer-full interrupt can be posted to the CPU. Buffering is easily halted by an auto-disabling capability. Auto-buffering capability can be enabled separately for transmit and receive sections. When auto buffering is disabled, operation is similarto that of the general-purpose serial port. The BSP allows transfer of 8-, 10-, 12-, or 16-bit data packets. In burst mode, data packets are directed by a frame synchronization pulse for every packet. In continuous mode, the frame synchronization pulse occurs when the data transmission is initiated and no further pulses occur. The frame and clock strobes are frequency-and polarity-programmable. The BSP is fully static and operates at arbitrarily low clock frequencies. The maximum operating frequency for '54x devices up to 50 MIPs is CLKOUT. For higher-speed '54x devices, the maximum operating frequency is 50 MBps at 20 ns. buffer misalignment (BMINT) interrupt ('549 only) The BMINT interrupt is generated when a frame sync occurs and the ABU transmit or receive buffer pointer is not at the top of the buffer address. This is useful for detecting several potential error conditions on the serial interface, including extraneous and missed clocks and frame sync pulses. A BMINT interrupt, therefore, indicates that one or more words may have been lost on the serial interface. BMINT is useful for detecting buffer misalignment only when the buffer pointers) are initially loaded with the top of buffer address, and a frame of data contains the same number of words as the buffer length. These are the only conditions underwhich a frame sync occurring at a buffer address, otherthan the top of buffer, constitute an error condition. In cases where these conditions are met, a frame sync always occurs when the buffer pointer is at the top of buffer address, if the interface is functioning properly. If BMINT is enabled under conditions other than those stated above, interrupts may be generated under circumstances otherthan actual buffer misalignment. In these cases, BMINT should generally be masked in the IMR register so that the processor will ignore this interrupt. BMINT is available when operating auto-buffering mode with continuous transfers, the FIG bit cleared to 0, and external serial clocks or frames. The BSP0 and BSP1 BMINT bits in the IMR and IFR registers are bits 12 and 13, respectively, (bit 15 is the MSB), and their interrupt vector locations are 070h and 074h, respectively. Texas Instruments 30 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C- FEBRUARY 1996- REVISED DECEMBER 1999 serial ports (continued) Table 3 provides a comparison of the serial ports available in the '54x devices. Table 3. Serial Port Configurations for the '54x DEVICE NO.OF STANDARD SERIAL PORTS NO. OF BSPs (BSP ADDRESS RANGES) NO. OF TDM SERIAL PORTS
hardware timer The '54x devices feature a 16-bit timing circuit with a four-bit prescaler. The timer counter is decremented by one at every CLKOUT cycle. Each time the counter decrements to zero, a timer interrupt is generated. The timer can be stopped, restarted, reset, or disabled by specific status bits. clock generator The clock generator provides clocks to the '54xdevice, and consists of an internal oscillator and a phase-locked loop (PLL) circuit. The clock generator requires a reference clock input, which can be provided by using a crystal resonator with the internal oscillator, or from an external clock source. The reference clock input is then either divided by two (or by four on the '545A, '546A, '548, and '549) to generate clocks for the '54x device, or the PLL circuit can be used to generate the device clock by multiplying the reference clock frequency by a scale factor, allowing use of a clock source with a lower frequency than that of the CPU. The PLL is an adaptive circuit that, once synchronized, locks onto and tracks an input clock signal. When the PLL is initially started, it enters a transitional mode during which the PLL acquires lock with the input signal. Once the PLL is locked, it continues to track and maintain synchronization with the input signal. Then, other internal clock circuitry allows the synthesis of new clock frequencies for use as master clock for the '54x device. Two types of PLL are available: a hardware-programmable PLL and a software-programmable PLL. All '54x devices have the hardware-programmable PLL except the '545A, '546A, '548, and '549, which have the software-programmable PLL. On the hardware-programmable PLL, an external delay must be provided before the device is released from reset in order for the PLL to achieve lock. With the software-programmable PLL, a lock timer is provided to implement this delay automatically. Note that both the hardware- and the software-programmable PLLs require the device to be reset after power up to begin functioning properly. hardware-programmable PLL The '54x can use either the internal oscillator or an external frequency source for an input clock. The clock generation mode is determined by the CLKMD1, CLKMD2 and CLKMD3 clock mode pins except on the '545A, the '546A, the '548, and the '549 (see software-programmable PLL description below). Table 4 outlines the selection of the clock mode by these pins. Note that both the hardware- and the software-programmable PLLs require the device to be reset after power up to begin functioning properly. ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 31 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C - FEBRUARY 1996 - REVISED DECEMBER 1999 hardware-programmable PLL (continued) Table 4. Clock Mode Configurations
0 0 0 PLL x 3 with external source PLL x 5 with external source
1 1 0 PLL x 2 with external source PLL x 4 with external source
t Option: Option 1 or option 2 is selected when ordering the device. t Stop mode: The function of the stop mode is equivalent to that of the power-down mode of IDLE3; however, the IDLE3 instruction is recommended rather than stop mode to realize full power saving, since IDLE3 stops clocks synchronously and can be exited with an interrupt. software-programmable PLL ('545A, '546A, '548, and '549) The software-programmable PLL features a high level of flexibility, and includes a clock sealer that provides various clock multiplier ratios, capability to directly enable and disable the PLL, and a PLL lock timer that can be used to delay switching to PLL clocking mode of the device until lock is achieved. Devices that have a built-in software-programmable PLL can be configured in one of two clock modes: PLL mode. The input clock (X2/CLKIN) is multiplied by 1 of 31 possible ratios. These ratios are achievedusing the PLL circuitry. DIV (divider) mode. The input clock is divided by 2 or 4. Note that when DIVmode is used, the PLL can becompletely disabled in order to minimize power dissipation. The software-programmable PLL is controlled using the 16-bit memory-mapped (address 0058h) clock mode register (CLKMD). The CLKMD register is used to define the clock configuration of the PLL clock module. The CLKMD register fields are shown in Figure 7 and described below. Note that upon reset, the CLKMD register is initialized with a predetermined value dependent only upon the state of the CLKMD1 - CLKMD3 pins (see Table 6). R/WT R = read, W= write twhen in DIV mode (PLLSTATUS is low), PLLMUL, PLLDIV, PLLCOUNT, and PLLON/OFF are don't cares, and their contents are R/WT R/WT R/WT R/W R indeterminate. Bit # 15-12 11 10-3 2 1 0
Figure 7. Clock Mode Control Register (CLKMD) 32 ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C- FEBRUARY 1996- REVISED DECEMBER 1999 software-programmable PLL ('545A, '546A, '548, and '549) (continued) Bits 15-12 PLLMUL. PLL multiplier. Defines the frequency multiplier in conjunction with PLLDIV and PLLNDIV, as shown in Table 5. Bit 11 Bits 10-3 Bit 2 PLLDIV. PLL divider. Defines the frequency multiplier in conjunction with PLLMUL and PLLNDIV, as shown in Table 5. = an integer multiply factor is used. = a non-integer multiply factor is used. PLLCOUNT. PLL counter value. Specifies the number of input clock cycles (in increments of 16 cycles) for the PLL lock timer to count before the PLL begins clocking the processor after the PLL is started. The PLL counter is a down-counter, which is driven by the input clock divided by 16; therefore, for every 16 input clocks, the PLL counter decrements by one. The PLL counter can be used to ensure that the processor is not clocked until the PLL is locked, so that only valid clock signals are sent to the device. PLLON/OFF. PLL on/off. Enables or disables the PLL part of the clock generator in conjunction with the PLLNDIV bit. Note that PLLON/OFF and PLLNDIV can both force the PLL to run; when PLLON/OFF is high, the PLL runs independently of the state of PLLNDIV.
0 0 Off
1 0 On
0 1 On
1 1 On
Bit 1 BitO PLLNDIV. PLL clock generator select. Determines whether the clock generator works in PLL mode or in divider (DIV) mode, thereby defining the frequency multiplier in conjunction with PLLMUL and PLLDIV. = Divider mode is used = PLL mode is used PLLSTATUS. PLL status. Indicates the mode in which the clock generator is operating. = DIV mode = PLL mode Table 5. PLL Multiplier Ratio as a Function of PLLNDIV, PLLDIV, and PLLMUL
0 x 0-14 0.5
0 x 15 0.25
1 0 0-14 PLLMUL+ 1
1 0 15 Reserved
1 1 0 or even (PLLMUL+ 1) 4- 2
1 1 odd PLLMUL -h 4
t CLKOUT = CLKIN x multiplier ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 33 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C - FEBRUARY 1996 - REVISED DECEMBER 1999 software-programmable PLL ('545A, '546A, '548, and '549) (continued) Immediately following reset, the clock mode is determined by the values of the three external pins: CLKMD1, CLKMD2, and CLKMD3. The modes corresponding to the CLKMD pins are shown in Table 6.
Table 6. Clock Mode Settings at Reset
0 0 0
Divide-by-two, with external source
0 0 1
Divide-by-two, with external source
0 1 0
Divide-by-two, with external source
1 0 0
Divide-by-two, internal oscillator enabled
1 1 0
Divide-by-two, with external source
1 1 1
Divide-by-two, internal oscillator enabledt
1 0 1
PLL x 1 with external source
0 1 1
Stop mode
t Reserved mode ('549 only). Do not use in normal operation. Following reset, the software-programmable PLL can be programmed to any configuration desired, as described above. Note that when the PLL x 1 with external source option (CLKMD[1-3]=101) is selected during reset, the internal PLL lock-count timer is not active; therefore, the system must delay releasing reset in order to allow for the PLL lock-time delay. Also, note that both the hardware- and the software-programmable PLLs require the device to be reset after power up to begin functioning properly. programming considerations when using the software-programmable PLL The software-programmable PLL offers many different options in startup configurations, operating modes, and power-saving features. Programming considerations and several software examples are presented here to illustrate the proper use of the software-programmable PLL at start-up, when switching between different clocking modes, and before and after IDLE1/IDLE2/IDLE3 instruction execution. use of the PLLCOUNT programmable lock timer During the lockup period, the PLL should not be used to clock the '54x. The PLLCOUNT programmable lock timer provides a convenient method of automatically delaying clocking of the device by the PLL until lock is achieved. The PLL lock timer is a counter, loaded from the PLLCOUNT field in the CLKMD register, that decrements from its preset value to 0. The timer can be preset to any value from 0 to 255, and its input clock is CLKIN divided by 16. The resulting lockup delay can therefore be set from 0 to 255 x 16 CLKIN cycles. The lock timer is activated when the clock generator operating mode is switched from DIV to PLL (see the section describing switching from DIV mode to PLL mode). During the lockup period, the clock generator continues to operate in DIV mode; after the PLL lock timer has decremented to zero, the PLL begins clocking the '54x. Accordingly, the value loaded into PLLCOUNT is chosen based on the following relationship: PLLCOUNT > Lockup Time/(16 xtCLKIN) where tcLKlN 's tne inPut reference clock period and lockup time is the required PLL lockup time as shown in Figure 8. 34 ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C- FEBRUARY 1996- REVISED DECEMBER 1999 use of the PLLCOUNT programmable lock timer (continued) 0) F Q. 3 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
44 /
'54Ј Only
22, / -*
——— 19
2.5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 100 CLKOUT Frequency (MHz) Figure 8. PLL Lockup Time Versus CLKOUT Frequency switching from DIV mode to PLL mode Several circumstances may require switching from DIV mode to PLL mode; however, note that if the PLL is not locked when switching from DIV mode to PLL mode, the PLL lockup time delay must be observed before the mode switch occurs to ensure that only proper clock signals are sent to the device. It is, therefore, important to know whether or not the PLL is locked when switching operating modes. The PLL is unlocked on power-up, after changing the PLLMUL or PLLDIV values, after turning off the PLL (PLLON/OFF = 0), or after loss of input reference clock. Once locked, the PLL remains locked even in DIV mode as long as the PLL had been previously locked and has not been turned off (PLLON/OFF stays 1), and the PLLMUL and PLLDIV values have not been changed since the PLL was locked. Switching from DIV mode to PLL mode (setting PLLNDIVto 1) activates the PLLCOUNT programmable lock timer (when PLLCOUNT is preloaded with a non-zero value), and this can be used to provide a convenient method for implementing the lockup time delay. The PLLCOUNT lock timer feature should be used in the situations described above, where the PLL is unlocked unless a reset delay is used to implement the lockup delay, or the PLL is not used. Switching from DIV mode to PLL mode is accomplished by loading the CLKMD register. The following procedure describes switching from DIV mode to PLL mode when the PLL is not locked. When performing this mode switch with the PLL already locked, the effect is the same as when switching from PLL to DIV mode, but in the reverse order. In this case, the delays of when the new clock mode takes effect are the same. When switching from DIV to PLL mode with the PLL unlocked, orwhenthe mode change will result in unlocked operation, the PLLMUL[3-0], PLLDIV, and PLLNDIV bits are set to select the desired frequency multiplier as described in Table 5, and the PLLCOUNT[7-0] bits are set to select the required lockup time delay. Note that PLLMUL, PLLDIV, PLLCOUNT, and PLLON/OFF can only be modified when in DIV mode. ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 35 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C - FEBRUARY 1996 - REVISED DECEMBER 1999 switching from DIV mode to PLL mode (continued) Once the PLLNDIVbit is set, the PLLCOUNT timer begins being decremented from its preset value. When the PLLCOUNT timer reaches zero, the switch to PLL mode takes effect after six CLKIN cycles plus 3.5 PLL cycles (CLKOUT frequency). When the switch to PLL mode is completed, the PLLSTATUS bit in the CLKMD register is read as 1. Note that during the PLL lockup period, the '54x continues operating in DIV mode. The following software example shows an instruction that can be used to switch from DIV mode to PLL x 3, with a CLKIN frequency of 13 MHz and PLLCOUNT = 41 (decimal). STM #0010000101001111b, CLKMD switching clock mode from PLL to DIV When switching from PLL mode to DIV mode, the PLLCOUNT delay does not occur, and the switch between the two modes takes place after a short transition delay. The switch from PLL mode to DIV mode is also accomplished by loading the CLKMD register. The PLLNDIV bit is set to 0, selecting DIV mode, and the PLLMUL bits are set to select the desired frequency multiplier as shown in Table 5. The switch to DIV mode takes effect in 6 CLKIN cycles plus 3.5 PLL cycles (CLKOUT frequency) for all PLLMUL values except 1111b. With a PLLMUL value of 1111b, the switch to DIV mode takes effect in 12 CLKIN cycles plus 3.5 PLL cycles (CLKOUT frequency). When the switch to DIV mode is completed, the PLLSTATUS bit in the CLKMD register is read as 0. The following software example shows a code sequence that can be used to switch from PLL x 3 to divide-by-two mode. Note that the PLLSTATUS bit is polled to determine when the switch to DIV mode has taken effect, and then the STM instruction is used to turn off the PLL at this point. STM #0b, CLKMD
AND #01 b, A
BC TstStatu, ANEQ
TstStatu: ;switch to DIV mode ;poll STATUS bit ;reset PLLONJDFF when STATUS ;is DIV mode switching mode from one PLL multiplier to another When switching from one PLL multiplier ratio to another is required, the clock generator must be switched from PLL mode to DIV mode before selecting the new multiplier ratio; switching directly from one PLL multiplier ratio to another is not supported. In order to switch from one PLL multiplier ratio to another, the following steps must be followed: Set the PLLNDIV bit to 0, selecting DIV mode. Poll the PLLSTATUS bit until a 0 is obtained, indicating that DIV mode is enabled and that PLLMUL, PLLDIV,and PLLCOUNT can be updated. Modify the CLKMD register to set the PLLMUL[3-0], PLLDIV, and PLLNDIV bits to the desired frequencymultiplier as defined in Table 5, and the PLLCOUNT[7-0] bits to the required lock-up time. When the PLLNDIV bit is set to one in step three, the PLLCOUNT timer begins decrementing from its preset value. Once the PLLCOUNT timer reaches zero, the new PLL mode takes effect after six CLKIN cycles plus 3.5 PLL cycles (CLKOUT frequency). 36 ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C- FEBRUARY 1996- REVISED DECEMBER 1999 switching mode from one PLL multiplier to another (continued) Also, note that a direct switch between divide-by-two mode and divide-by-four mode is not possible. To switch between these two modes, the clock generator must first be set to PLL mode with an integer-only (non-fractional) multiplier ratio, and then set back to DIV mode in the desired divider configuration (see previous sections for details on switching between DIV and PLL modes). The following software example shows a code sequence that can be used to switch clock mode from PLL x X to PLL x 1. ~ STM #0b, CLKMD ;switch to DIV mode TstStatu: LDM CLKMD, A AND #01 b, A ;poll STATUS bit BC TstStatu, ANEQ STM #0000001111101111b, CLKMD ;switch to PLL x 1 mode programmable clock generator operation immediately following reset Immediately following reset, the operating mode of the clock generator is determined only on the basis of the CLKMD1/2/3 pin state as described in Table 6. All but two of these operating modes are 'divide-by-two with external source'. Switching from divide-by-two to a PLL mode can easily be accomplished by changing the CLKMD register contents. Note that if use of the internal oscillator is desired, either the 100 or the 111 state of the CLKMD1-CLKMD3 pins must be selected at reset (as shown in Table 6) since the internal oscillator cannot be programmed through software. The following software example shows an instruction that can be used to switch from divide-by-two mode to the PLL x 3 mode. STM #0010000101001111b, CLKMD considerations when using IDLE1/IDLE2/IDLE3 When using one of the IDLE instructions to reduce power requirements, proper management of the PLL is important. The clock generator consumes the least power when operating in DIV mode with the PLL disabled. Therefore, if power dissipation is a significant consideration, it is desirable to switch from PLL to DIV mode, and disable the PLL, before executing the IDLE1/IDLE2/IDLE3 instructions. This is accomplished as explained above in the section describing switching clock mode from PLL to DIV. After waking up from IDLE1/IDLE2/IDLE3, the clock generator can be reprogrammed to PLL mode as explained above in the section describing switching clock mode from DIV to PLL. Note that when the PLL is stopped during an IDLE state, and the '54xdevice is restarted and the clock generator is switched back to PLL mode, the PLL lockup delay occurs in the same manner as in a normal device startup. Therefore, in this case, the lockup delay must also be accounted for, either externally or by using the PLL lockup counter timer. The following software example illustrates a code sequence that switches the clock generator from PLL x 3 mode to divide-by-two mode, turns off the PLL, and enters IDLE3. After waking up from IDLE3, the clock generator is switched back from DIV mode to PLL x 3 mode using a single STM instruction, with a PLLCOUNT of 64 (decimal) used for the lock timer value. ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 37 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C - FEBRUARY 1996 - REVISED DECEMBER 1999 considerations when using IDLE1/IDLE2/IDLE3 (continued) STM #0b, CLKMD
AND #01 b, A
BC TstStatu, ANEQ
;switch to DIV mode ;poll STATUS bit ;reset PLLONJDFF when STATUS ;is DIV mode IDLE3 (After IDLE3 wake-up - switch the PLL from DIV mode to PLL x 3 mode) STM #0010001000000111b, CLKMD ;PLLCOUNT = 64 (decimal) PLL considerations when using the bootloader The ROM on the '545A and '546A contains a bootloader program that can be used to load programs into RAM for execution following reset. When using this bootloader with the software-programmable PLL, several considerations are important for proper system operation. On the '545A and '546A, for compatibility, the bootloader configures the PLL to the same mode as would have resulted if the same CLKMD1-3 input bits had been provided to the option-1 or option-2 hardware-programmable PLL (see Table 4), according to whether the '545A or'546A is an option-1 or option-2 device. Once the bootloader program has finished executing, and control is transferred to the user's program, the PLL can be reprogrammed to any desired configuration. Texas Instruments 38 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C- FEBRUARY 1996- REVISED DECEMBER 1999 memory-mapped registers Most '54xdevices have 26 (except '548 and '549 have 27) memory-mapped CPU registers, which are mapped into data memory located at addresses 0h to 1Fh. Each of these devices also has a set of memory-mapped registers associated with peripherals. Table 7 gives a list of CPU memory-mapped registers (MMR) common to all '54xdevices. Table 8 shows additional peripheral MMRs associated with the '541 devices, Table 9 shows those associated with the '545/'546 devices, Table 10 shows those associated with the '542/'543 devices, and Table 11 shows those associated with the '548/'549 devices. Table 7. Core Processor Memory-Mapped Registers
0 0
Interrupt mask register
1 1
Interrupt flag register
2-5 2-5
Reserved for testing
6 6
Status register 0
7 7
Status register 1
8 8
Accumulator A low word (15-0)
9 9
Accumulator A high word (31-16)
10 A
Accumulator A guard bits (39-32)
11 B
Accumulator B low word (15-0)
12 C
Accumulator B high word (31-16)
13 D
Accumulator B guard bits (39-32)
14 E
Temporary register
15 F
Transition register
16 10
Auxiliary register 0
17 11
Auxiliary register 1
18 12
Auxiliary register 2
19 13
Auxiliary register 3
20 14
Auxiliary register 4
21 15
Auxiliary register 5
22 16
Auxiliary register 6
23 17
Auxiliary register 7
24 18
Stack pointer register
25 19
Circular buffer size register
26 1A
Block-repeat counter
27 1B
Block-repeat start address
28 1C
Block-repeat end address
29 1D
Processor mode status (PMST) register
30 1E
Extended program counter ('548 and '549 only)
31 1F
^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 39 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C - FEBRUARY 1996 - REVISED DECEMBER 1999 memory-mapped registers (continued) Table 8. Peripheral Memory-Mapped Registers ('541 Only) NAME ADDRESS DESCRIPTION
DRR0 32 20 Serial port 0 data-receive register
DXR0 33 21 Serial port 0 data-transmit register
SPC0 34 22 Serial port 0 control register
— 35 23 Reserved
TIM 36 24 Timer register
PRD 37 25 Timer period register
TCR 38 26 Timer control register
— 39 27 Reserved
SWWSR 40 28 S/W wait-state register
BSCR 41 29 Bank-switching control register
— 42-47 2A-2F Reserved
DRR1 48 30 Serial port 1 data-receive register
DXR1 49 31 Serial port 1 data-transmit register
SPC1 50 32 Serial port 1 control register
— 51 33 Reserved
— 52-95 34-5 F Reserved
40 ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C- FEBRUARY 1996- REVISED DECEMBER 1999 memory-mapped registers (continued) Table J. Peripheral Memory-Mapped Registers ('545 and '546 Only)t
BDRR 32 20 BSP data-receive register
BDXR 33 21 BSP data-transmit register
BSPC 34 22 BSP serial-port control register
BSPCE 35 23 BSP control extension register
TIM 36 24 Timer register
PRD 37 25 Timer period counter
TCR 38 26 Timer control register
— 39 27 Reserved
SWWSR 40 28 External bus S/W wait-state register
BSCR 41 29 External bus bank-switching control register
— 42-43 2A-2B Reserved
HPIC 44 2C HPI control register!
— 45-47 2D-2F Reserved
DRR 48 30 Data-receive register
DXR 49 31 Data-transmit register
SPC 50 32 Serial-port control register
— 51 -55 33-37 Reserved
AXR 56 38 BSP ABU transmit-address register
BKX 57 39 BSP ABU transmit-buffer-size register
ARR 58 3A BSP ABU receive-address register
BKR 59 3B BSP ABU receive-buffer-size register
t BSP = Buffered serial port ABU = Auto-buffering unit t Host-port interface (HPI) on 'LC545 only ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 41 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C - FEBRUARY 1996 - REVISED DECEMBER 1999 memory-mapped registers (continued) Table 10. Peripheral Memory-Mapped Registers ('542 and '543 Only)t
BDRR 32 20 BSP data-receive register
BDXR 33 21 BSP data-transmit register
BSPC 34 22 BSP serial-port control register
BSPCE 35 23 BSP control extension register
TIM 36 24 Timer register
PRD 37 25 Timer period counter
TCR 38 26 Timer control register
— 39 27 Reserved
SWWSR 40 28 External bus S/W wait-state register
BSCR 41 29 External bus bank-switching control register
— 42-43 2A-2B Reserved
HPIC 44 2C HPI control register!
— 45-47 2D-2F Reserved
TRCV 48 30 TDM data-receive register
TDXR 49 31 TDM data-transmit register
TSPC 50 32 TDM serial-port control register
TCSR 51 33 TDM channel-select register
TRTA 52 34 TDM receive/transmit register
TRAD 53 35 TDM receive address register
— 54-55 36-37 Reserved
AXR 56 38 BSP ABU transmit-address register
BKX 57 39 BSP ABU transmit-buffer-size register
ARR 58 3A BSP ABU receive-address register
BKR 59 3B BSP ABU receive-buffer-size register
t BSP = Buffered serial port TDM = Time-division multiplexed ABU = Auto-buffering unit t Host-port interface (HPI) on '542 only 42 ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C- FEBRUARY 1996- REVISED DECEMBER 1999 memory-mapped registers (continued) Table 11. Peripheral Memory-Mapped Registers ('548 and '549 Only)t NAME ADDRESS DESCRIPTION
BSCR 41 29 External interface bank-switching control register
— 42 2A Reserved
— 43 2B Reserved
HPIC 44 2C HPI control register
— 45-47 2D-2F Reserved
TRCV 48 30 TDM port data-receive register
TDXR 49 31 TDM port data-transmit register
TSPC 50 32 TDM serial port control register
TCSR 51 33 TDM channel-select register
TRTA 52 34 TDM receive/transmit register
TRAD 53 35 TDM receive /address register
— 54-55 36-37 Reserved
AXR0 56 38 ABU 0 transmit-address register
BKX0 57 39 ABU 0 transmit-buffer-size register
ARR0 58 3A ABU 0 receive-address register
BKR0 59 3B ABU 0 receive-buffer-size register
AXR1 60 3C ABU 1 transmit-address register
BKX1 61 3D ABU 1 transmit-buffer-size register
ARR1 62 3E ABU 1 receive-address register
BKR1 63 3F ABU 1 receive-buffer-size register
BDRR1 64 40 BSP 1 data-receive register
BDXR1 65 41 BSP 1 data-transmit register
BSPC1 66 42 BSP 1 control register
BSPCE1 67 43 BSP 1 control extension register
— 68-87 44-57 Reserved
CLKMD 88 58 Clock mode register
— 89-95 59-5F Reserved
t BSP = Buffered serial port ABU = Auto-buffering unit HPI = Host-port interface ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 43 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C - FEBRUARY 1996 - REVISED DECEMBER 1999 status registers (ST0, ST1) The status registers, ST0 and ST1, contain the status of the various conditions and modes forthe '54x devices. ST0 contains the flags (OV, C, and TC) produced by arithmetic operations and bit manipulations in addition to the data page pointer (DP) and the auxiliary register pointer (ARP) fields. ST1 contains the various modes and instructions that the processor operates on and executes. accumulators (AL, AH, AG, and BL, BH, BG) The '54x devices have two 40-bit accumulators: accumulator A and accumulator B. Each accumulator is memory-mapped and partitioned into accumulator low-word (AL, BL), accumulator high-word (AH, BH), and accumulator guard bits (AG, BG). 39 32 31 16 15 0 AG (BG) AH (BH) AL (BL)
auxiliary registers (AR0-AR7) The eight 16-bit auxiliary registers (AR0-AR7) can be accessed by the CALU and modified by the auxiliary register arithmetic units (ARAUs). The primary function of the auxiliary registers is generating 16-bit addresses for data space. However, these registers also can act as general-purpose registers or counters. temporary register (TREG) The TREG is used to hold one of the multiplicands for multiply and multiply/accumulate instructions. It can hold a dynamic (execution-time programmable) shift count for instructions with shift operation such as ADD, LD, and SUB instructions. It also can hold a dynamic bit address forthe BITT instruction. The EXP instruction stores the exponent value computed into the TREG, while the NORM instruction uses the TREG value to normalize the number. For ACS operation of Viterbi decoding, TREG holds branch metrics used by the DADST and DSADT instructions. transition register (TRN) The TRN is a 16-bit register that is used to hold the transition decision forthe path to new metrics to perform the Viterbi algorithm. The CMPS (compare, select, max, and store) instruction updates the contents of the TRN based on the comparison between the accumulator high word and the accumulator low word. stack-pointer register (SP) The SP is a 16-bit register that contains the address at the top of the system. The SP always points to the last element pushed onto the stack. The stack is manipulated by interrupts, traps, calls, returns, and the PUSHD, PSHM, POPD, and POPM instructions. Pushes and pops of the stack predecrement and postincrement, respectively, all 16 bits of the SP. circular-buffer-size register (BK) The 16-bit BK is used by the ARAUs in circular addressing to specify the data block size. block repeat registers (BRC, RSA, REA) The block-repeat counter (BRC) is a 16-bit register used to specify the number of times a block of code is to be repeated when performing a block repeat. The block-repeat start address (RSA) is a 16-bit register containing the starting address of the block of program memory to be repeated when operating in the repeat mode. The 16-bit block repeat-end address (REA) contains the ending address if the block of program memory is to be repeated when operating in the repeat mode. interrupt registers (IMR, IFR) The interrupt-mask register (IMR) is used to mask off specific interrupts individually at required times. The interrupt-flag register (IFR) indicates the current status of the interrupts. Texas Instruments 44 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C- FEBRUARY 1996- REVISED DECEMBER 1999 processor-mode status register (PMST) The processor-mode status register (PMST) controls memory configurations of the '54x devices. interrupts Vector-relative locations and priorities for all internal and external interrupts are shown in Table 12. Table 12 '54x Interrupt Locations and Priorities
RS, SINTR 0 00 1 Reset (Hardware and software reset)
t On '541 devices, these interrupt locations are serial port 0 interrupts (RINT0/XINT0). t On '541, '545, and '546 devices, these interrupt locations are serial port 1 interrupts (RINT1/XINT1). § On'541, '543, and'546 devices, interrupt locations 64h-7Fh are reserved. On '542 and'545 devices, interrupt locations 68h-7Fh are reserved. On '548 devices, interrupt locations 70h - 7Fh are reserved. ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 45 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C - FEBRUARY 1996 - REVISED DECEMBER 1999 interrupts (continued) The IFR and IMR registers are laid out as shown in Figure 9. 15-14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 | RESERVED | BMINT1 | BMINT0 | BXINT1 | BRINT1 | HINT | INT3 | TXNT | TRNT | BXINT0 | TRINT0 | TINT | INT2 | INT1 | INT0 Figure 9. IFR and IMR Registers instruction set summary This section summarizes the syntax used by the mnemonic assembler and the associated instruction set opcodes for the '54x DSP devices (see Table 13). For detailed information on instruction operation, see the TMS320C54xDSP Reference Set, Volume 2: Mnemonic Instruction Set (literature number SPRU172); and for detailed information on the algebraic assembler, see the TMS320C54x DSP Reference Set, Volume 3: Algebraic Instruction Set (literature number SPRU179). Texas Instruments 46 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C- FEBRUARY 1996- REVISED DECEMBER 1999 instruction set summary (continued) Table 13. '54x Instruction Set Opcodes MNEMONIC SYNTAX DESCRIPTION WORDS/ CYCLESt MSB OPCODE LSB
LMS Xmem, Ymem Least mean square 1/1 1110 0001 XXXX YYYY
MAC[R] Smem, src Multiply by TREG, add to ACC, round if specified 1/1 0010 10RS IAAA AAAA
MAC[R] Xmem, ymem, src[, dst] Multiply dual, add to ACC, round if specified 1/1 1011 0RSD XXXX YYYY
MAC #//e, src[, dst] Multiply TREG by long-immediate, add to ACC 2/2 1111 00SD 0110 0111
MAC Smem, #//e, src[, dst] Multiply by long-immediate value, add to ACC 2/2 0110 01SD IAAA AAAA
MACA[R] Smem [, B ] Multiply by ACCA, add to ACCB [round] 1/1 0011 01R1 IAAA AAAA
MACA[R] T, src[, dst] Multiply TREG by ACCA, add to ACC [round] 1/1 1111 01SD 1000 100R
MACD Smem, pmad, src Multiply by program memory, accumulate/delay 2/3 0111 101S IAAA AAAA
MACP Smem, pmad, src Multiply by program memory, then accumulate 2/3 0111 100S IAAA AAAA
MACSU Xmem, Ymem, src Multiply signed by unsigned, then accumulate 1/1 1010 011S XXXX YYYY
MAS[R] Smem, src Multiply by T, subtract from ACC [round] 1/1 0010 11RS IAAA AAAA
t Values for words and cycles assume the use of DARAM for data. Add one word and one cycle when using long-offset indirect addressing or absolute addressing with a single data-memory operand. t Delayed Instruction § Condition true 11 Condition false ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 47 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C - FEBRUARY 1996 - REVISED DECEMBER 1999 instruction set summary (continued) Table 13. '54x Instruction Set Opcodes (Continued) MNEMONIC SYNTAX DESCRIPTION WORDS/ CYCLESt MSB OPCODE LSB
t Values for words and cycles assume the use of DARAM for data. Add one word and one cycle when using long-offset indirect addressing or absolute addressing with a single data-memory operand. t Delayed Instruction § Condition true 11 Condition false 48 ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C- FEBRUARY 1996- REVISED DECEMBER 1999 instruction set summary (continued) Table 13. '54x Instruction Set Opcodes (Continued) MNEMONIC SYNTAX DESCRIPTION WORDS/ CYCLESt MSB OPCODE LSB
t Values for words and cycles assume the use of DARAM for data. Add one word and one cycle when using long-offset indirect addressing or absolute addressing with a single data-memory operand. * Delayed Instruction § Condition true 11 Condition false ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 49 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C - FEBRUARY 1996 - REVISED DECEMBER 1999 instruction set summary (continued) Table 13. '54x Instruction Set Opcodes (Continued) MNEMONIC SYNTAX DESCRIPTION WORDS/ CYCLESt MSB OPCODE LSB
PORTR PA, Smem Read data from port 2/2 0111 0100 IAAA AAAA
PORTW Smem, PA Write data to port 2/2 0111 0101 IAAA AAAA
CMPS src, Smem Compare, select and store maximum 1/1 1000 111S IAAA AAAA
DLD Lmem, dst Long-word load to accumulator 1/1 0101 011 D IAAA AAAA
DST src, Lmem Store accumulator in long word 1/2 0100 111S IAAA AAAA
ST #//e, Smem Store long-immediate operand 2/2 0111 0110 IAAA AAAA
STH src, Smem Store accumulator high to data memory 1/1 1000 001S IAAA AAAA
t Values for words and cycles assume the use of DARAM for data. Add one word and one cycle when using long-offset indirect addressing or absolute addressing with a single data-memory operand. t Delayed Instruction § Condition true 11 Condition false 50 ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C- FEBRUARY 1996- REVISED DECEMBER 1999 instruction set summary (continued) Table 13. '54x Instruction Set Opcodes (Continued) MNEMONIC SYNTAX DESCRIPTION WORDS/ CYCLESt OPCODE MSB LSB
STH src, ASM, Smem Shift ACC high by ASM, store to data memory 1/1 1000 011S IAAA AAAA
STH src, SHFT, Xmem Shift ACC high, then store to data memory 1/1 1001 101S XXXX SHFT
STH src [, SHIFT], Smem Shift ACC high, then store to data memory (2-word opcode) 2/2 0110 1111 IAAA AAAA 0000 11 0S 011S HIFT
ST src, Ymem || ADD Xmem, dst Store ACC with parallel add 1/1 1100 00SD XXXX YYYY
ST src, Ymem || LD Xmem, dst Store ACC with parallel load into accumulator 1/1 1100 10SD XXXX YYYY
ST src, Ymem || LD Xmem, T Store ACC with parallel load into TREG 1/1 1110 01 S0 XXXX YYYY
ST src, Ymem || MAC[R] Xmem, dst Parallel store and multiply ACC [round] 1/1 1101 0RSD XXXX YYYY
ST src, Ymem || MAS[R] Xmem, dst Parallel store, multiply, and subtract 1/1 1101 1RSD XXXX YYYY
ST src, Ymem || MPY Xmem, dst Parallel store and multiply 1/1 1100 11SD XXXX YYYY
ST src, Ymem || SUB Xmem, cfef Parallel store and subtract 1/1 1100 01SD XXXX YYYY
STL src, Smem Store ACC low to data memory 1/1 1000 000S IAAA AAAA
STL src, ASM, Smem Shift ACC low by ASM, store to data memory 1/1 1000 01 0S IAAA AAAA
STL src, SHF7; Xmem Shift ACC low, then store to data memory 1/1 1001 100S XXXX SHFT
STL src [, SHIFT], Smem Shift ACC low, then store to data memory (2-word opcode) 2/2 0110 1111 IAAA AAAA 0000 11 0S 100S HIFT
STLM src, MMR Store ACC low to MMR 1/1 1000 100S IAAA AAAA
STM #//c, MMR Store long-immediate to MMR 2/2 0111 0111 IAAA AAAA
OR Smem, src OR single data-memory operand with ACC 1/1 0001 101S IAAA AAAA
t Values for words and cycles assume the use of DARAM for data. Add one word and one cycle when using long-offset indirect addressing or absolute addressing with a single data-memory operand. t Delayed Instruction § Condition true 11 Condition false ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 51 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C - FEBRUARY 1996 - REVISED DECEMBER 1999 instruction set summary (continued) Table 13. '54x Instruction Set Opcodes (Continued) MNEMONIC SYNTAX DESCRIPTION
OR #lk[, SHFT], src[, dst] Shift long-immediate operand, then OR with ACC
2/2 1111 00SD 0100 SHFT
OR #lk, 16, src[, dst] Shift long-immediate 16 bits, then OR with ACC
2/2 1111 00SD 0110 0100
OR src[, SHIFT], [, dst] OR accumulator(s), then shift result
XOR #lk[, SHFT], src[, dst] Shift long-immediate, then XOR with ACC
2/2 1111 00SD 0101 SHFT
XOR #lk, 16, src[, dst] Shift long-immediate 16 bits, then XOR with ACC
2/2 1111 00SD 0110 0101
XOR src[, SHIFT] [, dst] XOR accumulator(s), then shift result
1/1 1111 00SD 110S HIFT
XORM #lk, Smem XOR memory with constant
2/2 0110 1010 IAAA AAAA
MVDD Xmem, Ymem Move within data memory, X/Y addressing
1/1 1110 0101 XXXX YYYY
MVDK Smem, dmad Move data, destination addressing
2/2 0111 0001 IAAA AAAA
MVDM dmad,MMR Move data to memory-mapped register
2/2 0111 0010 IAAA AAAA
MVDP Smem, pmad Move data to program memory
2/4 0111 1101 IAAA AAAA
MVKD dmad, Smem Move data with source addressing
2/2 0111 0000 IAAA AAAA
MVMD MM/?, dmad Move memory-mapped register to data
2/2 0111 0011 IAAA AAAA
MVMM MMRx, MMRy Move between memory-mapped registers
1/1 1110 0111 MMRX MMRY
MVPD pmad, Smem Move program memory to data memory
2/3 0111 1100 IAAA AAAA
READA Smem Read data memory addressed by ACCA
1/5 0111 1110 IAAA AAAA
WRITA Smem Write data memory addressed by ACCA
1/5 0111 1111 IAAA AAAA
t Values for words and cycles assume the use of DARAM for data. Add one word and one cycle when using long-offset indirect addressing or absolute addressing with a single data-memory operand. t Delayed Instruction § Condition true 11 Condition false 52 ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C- FEBRUARY 1996- REVISED DECEMBER 1999 development support Texas Instruments offers an extensive line of development tools forthe '54x generation of DSPs, including tools to evaluate the performance of the processors, generate code, develop algorithm implementations, and fully integrate and debug software and hardware modules. The following products support development of '54x-based applications: Software Development Tools: Assembler/Linker Simulator Optimizing ANSI C compiler Application algorithms C/Assembly debugger and code profiler Hardware Development Tools: Extended development system (XDS™) emulator (supports '54x multiprocessor system debug) '54x EVM (Evaluation Module) '54x DSK (DSP Starter Kit) The TMS320 Family Development Support Reference Guide (SPRU011) contains information about development support products for all TMS320 family member devices, including documentation. Refer to this document for further information about TMS320 documentation or any other TMS320 support products from Texas Instruments. There is an additional document, the TMS320 Third Party Support Reference Guide (SPRU052), which contains information about TMS320-related products from other companies in the industry. To receive copies of TMS320 literature, contact the Literature Response Center at 800/477-8924. See Table 14 for complete listings of development support tools for the '54x. For information on pricing and availability, contact the nearest TI field sales office or authorized distributor. Table 14. Development Support Tools
PC-DOS™, OS/2™
Digital Filter Design Package for PC
XDS510™ Debugger/Emulation Software
XDS510WS™ Debugger/Emulation Software
XDS510 Emulator!
XDS510WS Emulator*
3 V/5 V PC/SPARC JTAG Emulation Cable
EVM Evaluation Module
DSK DSP Starter Kit
t Includes XDS510 board and JTAG emulation cable; TMDS32401 L0 C-source debugger conversion software not included t Includes XDS510WS box, SCSI cable, power supply, and JTAG emulation cable; TMDS32406L0 C-source debugger conversion software not included PC-DOS and OS/2 are trademarks of International Business Machines Corp. SPARC is a trademark of SPARC International, Inc. WIN is a trademark of Microstate Corporation. XDS, XDS510, and XDS510WS are trademarks of Texas Instruments Incorporated. ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 53 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C - FEBRUARY 1996 - REVISED DECEMBER 1999 device and development support tool nomenclature To designate the stages in the product development cycle, TI assigns prefixes to the part numbers of all TMS320 devices and support tools. Each TMS320 member has one of three prefixes: TMX, TMP, or TMS. Texas Instruments recommends two of three possible prefixdesignators for its support tools: TMDX and TMDS. These prefixes represent evolutionary stages of product development from engineering prototypes (TMX/TMDX) through fully qualified production devices/tools (TMS/TMDS). This development flow is defined below. Device development evolutionary flow: TMX Experimental device that is not necessarily representative of the final device's electrical specifications TMP Final silicon die that conforms to the device's electrical specifications but has not completed quality and reliability verification TMS Fully-qualified production device Support tool development evolutionary flow: TMDX Development support product that has not yet completed Texas Instruments internal qualification testing. TMDS Fully qualified development support product TMX and TMP devices and TMDX development support tools are shipped against the following disclaimer: "Developmental product is intended for internal evaluation purposes." TMS devices and TMDS development support tools have been characterized fully, and the quality and reliability of the device has been demonstrated fully. TI's standard warranty applies. Predictions show that prototype devices (TMX or TMP) have a greater failure rate than the standard production devices. Texas Instruments recommends that these devices not be used in any production system because their expected end-use failure rate still is undefined. Only qualified production devices are to be used. TI device nomenclature also includes a suffix with the device family name. This suffix indicates the package type (for example, PZ, PGE, PBK, or GGU) and temperature range (for example, L). Figure 10 provides a legend for reading the complete device name for any TMS320 family member. Texas Instruments 54 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C- FEBRUARY 1996- REVISED DECEMBER 1999 device and development support tool nomenclature (continued) TMS 320 (B) C 542 PGE (L)
PREFIX TMX = TMP = TMS = SMJ = SM = experimental device prototype device qualified device MIL-STD-883C High Rel (non-883C) DEVICE FAMILY 320 = TMS320 Family BOOT-LOADER OPTION TECHNOLOGY C = E = F = LC = VC = CMOS CMOS EPROM CMOS Flash EEPROM Low-Voltage CMOS (3.3 V) Low Voltage CMOS [3 V (2.5 V core)] t DIP = Dual-In-Line Package PGA = Pin Grid Array CC = Chip Carrier QFP = Quad Flat Package TQFP = Thin Quad Flat Package TEMPERATURE RANGE ('54x DEFAULT: -40C TO 100C) H = 0°C to 50°C
L = 0°C to 70°C
S = -55°Cto100°C
M = -55°Cto125°C
A = -40°Cto85°C
N = plastic DIP
J = ceramic DIP
JD = ceramic DIP side-brazed
GB = ceramic PGA
FZ = ceramic CC
FN = plastic leaded CC
FD = ceramic leadless CC
PJ = 100-pin plastic EIAJ QFP
PQ = 132-pin plastic bumpered QFP
PZ = 100-pin plastic TQFP
PBK = 128-pin plastic TQFP
PGE = 144-pin plastic TQFP
GGU= 144-pin BGA
'1x DSP:
10 16
14 17
'2x DSP:
'2xx D
203 206 240
204 209
'3x DSP:
'4x DSP:
'5x DSP:
50 53
51 56
52 57
'54x C
541 545
542 546
543 548
'6x DSP:
Figure 10. TMS320 DSP Device Nomenclature ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 55 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C - FEBRUARY 1996 - REVISED DECEMBER 1999 documentation support Extensive documentation supports all TMS320 family generations of devices from product announcement through applications development. The types of documentation available include: data sheets, such as this document, with design specifications; complete user's guides for all devices; development support tools; and hardware and software applications. The four-volume TMS320C54x DSP Reference Set (literature number SPRU210) consists of: Volume 1: CPU and Peripherals (literature number SPRU131) Volume 2: Mnemonic Instruction Set (literature number SPRU172) Volume 3: Algebraic Instruction Set (literature number SPRU179) Volume 4: Applications Guide (literature number SPRU173) The reference set describes in detail the '54x TMS320 products currently available and the hardware and software applications, including algorithms, for fixed-point TMS320 devices. For general background information on DSPs and TI devices, see the three-volume publication Digital Signal Processing Applications with the TMS320 Family (literature numbers SPRA012, SPRA016, and SPRA017). A series of DSP textbooks is published by Prentice-Hall and John Wiley & Sons to support digital signal processing research and education. The TMS320 newsletter, Details on Signal Processing, is published quarterly and distributed to update TMS320 customers on product information. The TMS320 DSP bulletin board service (BBS) provides access to information pertaining to the TMS320 family, including documentation, source code and object code for many DSP algorithms and utilities. The BBS can be reached at 281/274-2323. Information regarding TI DSP products is also available on the Worldwide Web at uniform resource locator (URL). Texas Instruments 56 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C- FEBRUARY 1996- REVISED DECEMBER 1999 electrical characteristics and operating conditions — 'C541, 'C542 absolute maximum ratings over specified temperature range (unless otherwise noted)t Supply voltage range, Vrjrjt -0.3 V to 7 V Input voltage range -0.3 V to 7 V Output voltage range -0.3 V to 7 V Operating case temperature range, TC -40°C to 100°C Storage temperature range, Tstg -55°C to 150°C t Stresses beyond those listed under "absolute maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "recommended operating conditions" is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. t All voltage values are with respect to recommended operating conditions
VDD Supply voltage
4.75 5 5.25 V
vss Supply voltage
V|H High-level input voltage RS, INTn, NMI.CNT.CLKMDn X2/CLKIN 3
VDD + 0.3 V
All other inputs 2
Vdd + 0.3
V|L Low-level input voltage
0.8 V
lOH High-level output current
-300 MA
lOL Low-level output current
2 mA
Tc Operating case temperature
100 °C
Refer to Figure 11 for 5-V device test load circuit values. ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 57 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C - FEBRUARY 1996 - REVISED DECEMBER 1999 electrical characteristics and operating conditions — 'C541, 'C542 (continued) electrical characteristics over recommended operating case temperature range (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYPt MAX UNIT
VOH High-level output voltaget
Iqh = -300 nA 2.4
VOL Low-level output voltaget
lOL = 2 mA
0.6 V
hz Input current in high impedance VDD = MAX, V| = VSS to VDD -20
20 MA
TRST With internal pulldown -10
800 ma
l| Input current (Vi ~ Vqq to Vnni HPIENA With internal pulldown, RS = 0 -10
TMS, TCK, TDI, HPlll With internal pullups -500
D[15:0], HD[7:0] Bus holders enabled, Vqd = MAX* -150
t All typical values are at Vqd = 5 V, Tq = 25°C. t All input and output voltage levels except RS, INT0-INT3, NMI, CNT, X2/CLKIN, CLKMD0-CLKMD3 are TTL-compatible. § Clock mode: PLL x 1 with external source 11 This value was obtained with 50% usage of MAC and 50% usage of NOP instructions. Actual operating current varies with program being executed. * This value was obtained with single-cycle external writes, CLKOFF = Oand load = 15 pF. For more details on how this calculation is performed, refer to the Calculation of TMS320C54x Power Dissipation application report (literature number SPRA164). || HPI input signals except for HPIENA. ^ vl ^ V||_(MAX) °r V|H(MIN) ^ vl ^ V|H(MAX) 58 ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C- FEBRUARY 1996- REVISED DECEMBER 1999 PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION timing parameter symbology Timing parameter symbols used are created in accordance with JEDEC Standard 100-A. To shorten the symbols, some of the pin names and other related terminology have been abbreviated as follows: Lowercase subscripts and their meanings: Letters and symbols and their meanings
a access time H High
c cycle time (period) L Low
d delay time V Valid
dis disable time Z High impedance
en enable time
f fall time
h hold time
r rise time
su setup time
t transition time
v valid time
w pulse duration (width)
X Unknown, changing, or don't care level
signal transition reference points All timing references are made at a voltage of 1.5 volts, except rise and fall times which are referenced at the 10% and 90% points of the specified low and high logic levels, respectively.
Output o Under Test Tester Pin Electronics vLoad Where: Iql = 2 mA (all outputs) Ioh = 300 MA (all outputs) VLoad =1-5V Cj = 40 pF typical load circuit capacitance. Figure 11. 5-V Test Load Circuit ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 59 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C - FEBRUARY 1996 - REVISED DECEMBER 1999 electrical characteristics and operating conditions — 'LC54x, 'VC54x See Table 1, Characteristics of the '54x Processors, for specific device applicability. absolute maximum ratings over specified temperature range (unless otherwise noted)t Supply voltage range, Voot -0.3 V to 4.6 V Input voltage range -0.3 V to 4.6 V Output voltage range -0.3 V to 4.6 V Operating case temperature range, TC -40°C to 100°C Storage temperature range, Tstg -55°C to 150°C t Stresses beyond those listed under "absolute maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "recommended operating conditions" is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. t All voltage values are with respect to recommended operating conditions
Refer to Figure 12 for 3.3-V device test load circuit values. 60 ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C- FEBRUARY 1996- REVISED DECEMBER 1999 electrical characteristics and operating conditions — 'LC54x, 'VC54x (continued) See Table 1, Characteristics of the '54x Processors, for specific device applicability. electrical characteristics over recommended operating case temperature range (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYPt MAX UNIT
hz Input current in high impedance VDD = MAX,V| = VSStoVDD -10
10 MA
TRST With internal pulldown -10
800 ma
HPIENA With internal pulldown, RS = 0 -10
l| Input current (V = Vcc to Vnn)
TMS, TCK, TDI, HPlll With internal pullups -400
D[15:0], HD[7:0] Bus holders enabled, Vqd = MAXA -150
All other input-only pins
Iddc Supply current, core CPU VDD = 3.3 V, fx = 40 MHz,§ TC = 25°C
!DDP Supply current, pins
VDD = 3.3 V, fx = 40 MHz,§ Tc = 25°C
Supply current,
IDLE2 PLL x 1 mode, 40 MHz input
Idd standby
IDLE3 Divide-by-two mode, CLKIN stopped
Ci Input capacitance
Co Output capacitance
t All values are typical unless otherwise specified. t All input and output voltage levels except RS, INT0-INT3, NMI, CNT, X2/CLKIN, CLKMD0-CLKMD3 are LVTTL-compatible. § Clock mode: PLL x 1 with external source 11 This value was obtained with 50% usage of MAC and 50% usage of NOP instructions. Actual operating current varies with program being executed. * This value was obtained with single-cycle external writes, CLKOFF = 0 and load = 15 pF. For more details on how this calculation is performed, refer to the Calculation of TMS320C54x Power Dissipation application report (literature number SPRA164). || HPI input signals except for HPIENA. ^ V| < V|L(MAX) °r V|H(MIN) ^ vl ^ V|H(MAX) ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 61 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C - FEBRUARY 1996 - REVISED DECEMBER 1999 PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION
Output o Under Test Tester Pin Electronics V|_oad Where: Iql = 1 -5 mA (all outputs) Ioh = 300 MA (all outputs) VLoad =1-5V Cj = 40 pF typical load circuit capacitance. Figure 12. 3.3-V Test Load Circuit 62 ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C- FEBRUARY 1996- REVISED DECEMBER 1999 internal oscillator with external crystal The internal oscillator is enabled by selecting the appropriate clock mode at reset (this is device dependent -see PLL section) and connecting a crystal or ceramic resonator across X1 and X2/CLKIN. The CPU clock frequency is one-half the crystal's oscillation frequency following reset. After reset, the clock mode of the devices with the software PLL can also be changed to divide-by-four. The crystal should be in fundamental mode operation and parallel resonant with an effective series resistance of 30ohms and power dissipation of 1 mW. The connection of the required circuit, consisting of the crystal and two load capacitors, is shown in Figure 13. The load capacitors, C1 and C2, should be chosen such that the equation below is satisfied. C|_ in the equation is the load specified for the crystal. C2) recommended operating conditions (see Figure 13)
'C54x-40 LC54x-40
fx Input clock frequency 10t
20* 10t
20* 10t
20* MHz
t This device utilizes a fully static design and therefore can operate with tc(ci) approaching ~. The device is characterized at frequencies approaching 0 Hz. t It is recommended that the PLL clocking option be used for maximum frequency operation. X1 X2/CLKIN
C1 Crystal D C2 Figure 13. Internal Divide-by-Two Clock Option With External Crystal ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 63 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C - FEBRUARY 1996 - REVISED DECEMBER 1999 divide-by-two/divide-by-four clock option - PLL disabled The frequency of the reference clock provided attheX2/CLKIN pin can be divided by a factor of two or four to generate the internal machine cycle. The selection of the clock mode is described in the clockgeneratorsection. When an external clock source is used, the frequency injected must conform to specifications listed in the timing requirements table. switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions [H = 0.5tC(co)] (see Figure 13 and Figure 14, and the recommended operating conditions table) PARAMETER
'C54x-40 'LC54x-40
(c(CO) Cycle time, CLKOUT 25* 2tc(CI) t 20* 2tc(CI) t 15* 2tc(CI) t ns
td(CIH-CO) Delay time, X2/CLKIN high to CLKOUT high/low 6 12 18 6 12 18 4 10 16 ns
(f(CO) Fall time, CLKOUTt
tr(CO) Rise time, CLKOUTt
(w(COL) Pulse duration, CLKOUT lowt H-4 H-2 H H-4 H-2 H H-4 H-2 H ns
(w(COH) Pulse duration, CLKOUT hight H-4 H-2 H H-4 H-2 H H-4 H-2 H ns
t This device utilizes a fully static design and therefore can operate with tC(ci) approaching ?. The device is characterized at frequencies approaching 0 Hz. t It is recommended that the PLL clocking option be used for maximum frequency operation. 64 ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C- FEBRUARY 1996- REVISED DECEMBER 1999 divide-by-two/divide-by-four clock option - PLL disabled (continued) timing requirements for divide-by-two/divide-by-four clock option - PLL disabled (see Figure 14)
'C54x-40 'LC54x-40
'LC54x-50 '54x-66 UNIT
'c(CI) Cycle time, X2/CLKIN 20* t 20* t 20* t ns
'f(CI) Fall time, X2/CLKIN
4 ns
tr(CI) Rise time, X2/CLKIN
4 ns
(w(CIL) Pulse duration, X2/CLKIN low 5 t 5 t 5 t ns
(w(CIH) Pulse duration, X2/CLKIN high 5 t 5 t 5 t ns
t This device utilizes a fully static design and therefore can operate with tc(ci) approaching ?. The device is characterized at frequencies approaching 0 Hz. * It is recommended that the PLL clocking option be used for maximum frequency operation.
CLKOUT X2/CLKIN Figure 14. External Divide-by-Two Clock Timing ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 65 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C - FEBRUARY 1996 - REVISED DECEMBER 1999 multiply-by-N clock option - PLL enabled The frequency of the reference clock provided at the X2/CLKIN pin can be multiplied by a factor of N to generate the internal machine cycle. The selection of the clock mode and the value of N is described in the clockgenerator section. When an external clock source is used, the frequency injected must conform to specifications listed in the timing requirements table. switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions for multiply-by-N clock option - PLL enabled [H = 0.5tC(co)] (see Figure 13 and Figure 15, and the recommended operating conditions table) PARAMETER
'C54x-40 'LC54x-40
tc(CO) Cycle time, CLKOUT 25 *c(CI)/N
20 *c(CI)/N
15 *c(CI)/N
td(CIH-CO) Delay time, X2/CLKIN high/low to CLKOUT high/low 6 12 18 6 12 18 4 10 16 ns
tf(CO) Fall time, CLKOUT
*r(CO) Rise time, CLKOUT
tw(COL) Pulse duration, CLKOUT low H-4 H-2 H H-4 H-2 H H-4 H-2 H ns
(w(COH) Pulse duration, CLKOUT high H-4 H-2 H H-4 H-2 H H-4 H-2 H ns
Transitory phase, PLL lock-uptime
50 [IS
66 ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C- FEBRUARY 1996- REVISED DECEMBER 1999 multiply-by-N clock option - PLL enabled (continued) timing requirements for multiply-by-N clock option - PLL enabled (see Figure 15)
t Note that for all values of tc(ci), the minimum tc(co) period must not be exceeded. w(CIH) »c(CI) :w,CIL, tr(cl)-H J I X2/CLKIN CLKOUT ¦ tp JVVVVVVVV (X Unstable llAAAAAAAA tc(CO)
I I 1 tf(CO) -H I Mw,COL,| \ Figure 15. External Multiply-by-One Clock Timing ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 67 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C - FEBRUARY 1996 - REVISED DECEMBER 1999 memory and parallel I/O interface timing switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions for a memory read (MSTRB = O)tt (see Figure 16) PARAMETER 'LC542-40 'LC543-40 'C54x-40 'LC54x-40 'LC54x-50 '54x-66 UNIT
Delay time, address valid from td(CLKL-A) CLKOUTIow§ 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 ns
Delay time, address valid from ld(CLKH-A) CLKOUT high (transition)!! 0 5 0 5 0 5 -2 3 ns
Delay time, MSTRB low from CLKOUT td(CLKL-MSL) ,ow 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 ns
Delay time, MSTRB high from td(CLKL-MSH) CLKOUT low -2 3 -2 3 -2 3 -2 3 ns
Hold time, address valid after CLKOUT *h(CLKL-A)R ,ow§ 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 ns
Hold time, address valid after CLKOUT *h(CLKH-A)R highU 0 5 0 5 0 5 -2 3 ns
t Address, PS, and DS timings are all included in timings referenced as address. t See Table 15, Table 16, and Table 17 for address bus timing variation with load capacitance. § In the case of a memory read preceded by a memory read 11 In the case of a memory read preceded by a memory write 68 ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C- FEBRUARY 1996- REVISED DECEMBER 1999 memory and parallel I/O interface timing (continued) timing requirements for a memory read (MSTRB = 0) [H = 0.5 tC(co)]^ (see Figure 16) 'LC542-40 'LC543-40 'C54x-40 'LC54x-40 'LC54x-50 '54x-66 UNIT
Access time, read data access from ta(A)M address valid 2H-12 2H-10 2H-10 2H-10 ns
Access time, read data access from ta(MSTRBL) MSTRB ,ow 2H-12 2H-10 2H-10 2H-10 ns
Setup time, read data before CLKOUT (su(D)R ,ow 7 5 5 5 ns
Hold time, read data after CLKOUT (h(D)R low 0 0 0 2 ns
Hold time, read data after address th(A-D)R invaNd 0 0 0 1 ns
'h(D)MSTRBH Hold time, read data after MSTRB high 0 0 0 0 ns
t Address, PS, and DS timings are all included in timings referenced as address. t See Table 15, Table 16, and Table 17 for address bus timing variation with load capacitance. ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 69 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C - FEBRUARY 1996 - REVISED DECEMBER 1999 memory and parallel I/O interface timing (continued)
CLKOUT V J \ _y v
K- I I P^ td(CLKL-A) I I
i i | *su(D)R -k— *a(A)M —P I I f4>l lh(A-D)R
>| »h(D)R
)i <
I I I /1 \ I^ P^— *h(D)MSTRBH - td(CLKL-MSH)
\ 7 /
\ / /
Figure 16. Memory Read (MSTRB = 0) 70 ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C- FEBRUARY 1996- REVISED DECEMBER 1999 memory and parallel I/O interface timing (continued) switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions for a memory write (MSTRB = 0) [H = 0.5 tc(CO)]tt (see Figure 17) PARAMETER 'C54x-40 'LC54x-40 'LC54x-50 '54x-66 UNIT
td(CLKH-A) Delay time, address valid from CLKOUT high§ 0 5 -2 3 ns
(d(CLKL-A) Delay time, address valid from CLKOUT lowil 0 5 0 5 ns
td(CLKL-MSL) Delay time, MSTRB low from CLKOUT low 0 5 0 5 ns
(d(CLKL-D)W Delay time, data valid from CLKOUT low 0 10 0 6 ns
td(CLKL-MSH) Delay time, MSTRB high from CLKOUT low -2 3 -2 3 ns
(d(CLKH-RWL) Delay time, R/W low from CLKOUT high 0 5 -2 3 ns
td(CLKH-RWH) Delay time, R/W high from CLKOUT high -2 3 -2 3 ns
(d(RWL-MSTRBL) Delay time, MSTRB low after R/W low H-2 H + 3 H-2 H + 3 ns
*h(A)W Hold time, address valid after CLKOUT high§ 0 5 0 5 ns
(h(D)MSH Hold time, write data valid after MSTRB high H-5 H + 5H H-5 H + 5H ns
*w(SL)MS Pulse duration, MSTRB low 2H-5
*su(A)W Setup time, address valid before MSTRB low 2H-5
tsu(D)MSH Setup time, write data valid before MSTRB high 2H-10 2H+10H 2H-10 2H+8§ ns
t Address, PS, and DS timings are all included in timings referenced as address. t See Table 15, Table 16, and Table 17 for address bus timing variation with load capacitance. § In the case of a memory write preceded by a memory write. 11 In the case of a memory write preceded by an I/O cycle. ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 71 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C - FEBRUARY 1996 - REVISED DECEMBER 1999 memory and parallel I/O interface timing (continued)
CLKOUT *b _f ^v J~ "^
—^ td(CL KL-A) I r*—^ *h(A)W^ ^ ld(CLKH-A)
I I I —0
f< ^ *d(CLKL-D)W
' i '!
D[15:0] )
- td(CLKL-MSL)
I* | Isu(A)W •¦
\4 M td(CLKH-RWL)
<"\~ I I td(CLKH-RWH)
" lw(SL)MS - td(RWL-MSTRBL)
Figure 17. Memory Write (MSTRB = 0) 72 ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C- FEBRUARY 1996- REVISED DECEMBER 1999 memory and parallel I/O interface timing (continued) switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions for a parallel I/O port read (IOSTRB = O)tt (see Figure 18) PARAMETER 'LC542-40 'LC543-40 'C54x-40 'LC54x-40 'LC54x-50 '54x-66 UNIT
'd(CLKL-A) Delay time, address valid from CLKOUT low 0 5 0 5 0 5 ns
td(CLKH-ISTRBL) Delav time, IOSTRB low from CLKOUT high 0 5 0 5 -2 3 ns
'd(CLKH-ISTRBH) Delav time. IOSTRB high from CLKOUT high -2 3 -2 3 -2 3 ns
'h(A)IOR Ho\6 time, address after CLKOUT low 0 5 0 5 0 5 ns
t Address and IS timings are included in timings referenced as address. t See Table 15, Table 16, and Table 17 for address bus timing variation with load capacitance. ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 73 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C - FEBRUARY 1996 - REVISED DECEMBER 1999 memory and parallel I/O interface timing (continued) timing requirements for a parallel I/O port read (IOSTRB = 0) [H = 0.5 tC(co)]^ (see Figure 18) 'LC542-40 'LC543-40 'C54x-40 'LC54x-40 'LC54x-50 '54x-66 UNIT
'a(A)IO Access time, read data access from address valid 3H-12 3H-10 3H-10 ns
'a(ISTRBL)IO Access time, read data access from IOSTRB low 2H-12 2H-10 2H-10 ns
'su(D)IOR Setup time, read data before CLKOUT high 7 5 5 ns
'h(D)IOR Hold time, read data after CLKOUT high 0 0 0 ns
'h(ISTRBH-D)R Hold time> read data after IOSTRB high 0 0 0 ns
t Address and IS timings are included in timings referenced as address. t See Table 15, Table 16, and Table 17 for address bus timing variation with load capacitance. CLKOUT \ V
IS \ Figure 18. Parallel I/O Port Read (IOSTRB = 0) 74 ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C- FEBRUARY 1996- REVISED DECEMBER 1999 memory and parallel I/O interface timing (continued) switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions for a parallel I/O port write (IOSTRB = 0) [H = 0.5 tc(Co)] (see Figure 19)t PARAMETER 'C54x-40 'LC54x-40 'LC54x-50 '54x-66 UNIT
td(CLKL-A) Delay time, address valid from CLKOUT lowt 0 5 0 5 ns
td(CLKH-ISTRBL) Delay time, IOSTRB low from CLKOUT high 0 5 -2 3 ns
tdfCLKH-D^OW Delay time, write data valid from CLKOUT high H-5 H + 10 H-5 H+8 ns
td(CLKH-ISTRBH) Delay time, IOSTRB high from CLKOUT high -2 3 -2 3 ns
td(CLKL-RWL) Delay time, R/W low from CLKOUT low 0 5 0 5 ns
td(CLKL-RWH) Delay time, R/W high from CLKOUT low -2 3 -2 3 ns
(h(A)IOW Hold time, address valid from CLKOUT lowt 0 5 0 5 ns
th(D)IOW Hold time, write data after IOSTRB high H-5 H+5 H-5 H+5 ns
tsu(D)IOSTRBH Setup time, write data before IOSTRB high H-7 H H-5 H ns
*su(A)IOSTRBL Setup time, address valid before IOSTRB low H-5 H+5 H-5 H+5 ns
t See Table 1 Stable 16, and Table 17 for address bus timing variation with load capacitance. t Address and IS timings are included in timings referenced as address. ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 75 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C - FEBRUARY 1996 - REVISED DECEMBER 1999 memory and parallel I /O interface timing (continued)
78 ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C- FEBRUARY 1996- REVISED DECEMBER 1999 ready timing for externally generated wait states timing requirements for externally generated wait states [H = 0.5 tC(co)]* (see Figure 21, Figure 22, Figure 23, and Figure 24) 'C54x-40 'LC54x-40 'LC54x-50 '54x-66 UNIT
'su(RDY) Setup time, READY before CLKOUT low 10 8 7 ns
(h(RDY) Hold time, READY after CLKOUT low 0 0 0 ns
(v(RDY)MSTRB Valid time, READY after MSTRB lowt 4H-15 4H-12 4H-10 ns
(h(RDY)MSTRB Hold time, READY after MSTRB low! 4H 4H 4H ns
(v(RDY)IOSTRB Valid time, READY after IOSTRB low! 5H-15 5H-12 5H-10 ns
'h(RDY)IOSTRB Hold time. READY after IOSTRB low! 5H 5H 5H ns
t The hardware wait states can be used only in conjunction with the software wait states to extend the bus cycles. To generate wait states by READY, at least two software wait states must be programmed. READY is not sampled until the completion of the internal software wait states. t These timings are included for reference only. The critical timings for READY are those referenced to CLKOUT. ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 79 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C - FEBRUARY 1996 - REVISED DECEMBER 1999 ready timing for externally generated wait states (continued)
CLKOUT A[15:0] X )C
I \+~ tv(MSCH) tv(MSCL) MSC \ / Wait State 4— Generated Wait States Generated Internally by READY Figure 21. Memory Read With Externally Generated Wait States
80 ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C- FEBRUARY 1996- REVISED DECEMBER 1999 ready timing for externally generated wait states (continued) CLKOUT
A[15:0] D[15:0]
Wait States Generated Internally READY MSTRB MSC Wait State Generated by READY Figure 22. Memory Write With Externally Generated Wait States ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 81 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C - FEBRUARY 1996 - REVISED DECEMBER 1999 ready timing for externally generated wait states (continued) Wait State Generated by READY CLKOUT A[15:0] READY IOSTRB MSC Wait States Generated Internally Figure 23. I/O Read With Externally Generated Wait States 82 ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C- FEBRUARY 1996- REVISED DECEMBER 1999 ready timing for externally generated wait states (continued) CLKOUT A[15:0] D[15:0] lh(RDY)-*j 'su(RDY) READY \ I / v(RDY)IOSTRB IOSTRB \ lh(RDY)IOSTRB v(MSCH) tv(MSCL) MSC / Wait States Generated Internally Wait State Generated by READY Figure 24. I/O Write With Externally Generated Wait States ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 83 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C - FEBRUARY 1996 - REVISED DECEMBER 1999 HOLD and HOLDA timing switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions for memory control signals and HOLDA [H = 0.5 tc(CO)] (see Figure 25) PARAMETER 'C54x-40 'LC54x-40 'LC54x-50 '54x-66 UNIT
'dis(CLKL-A) Disable time, CLKOUT low to address, PS, DS, IS high impedance 5 5 ns
'dis(CLKL-RW) Disable time, CLKOUT low to R/W high impedance 5 5 ns
Disable time, CLKOUT low to MSTRB, IOSTRB high tdis(CLKL-S) impedance 5 5 ns
(en(CLKL-A) Enable time, CLKOUT low to address, PS, DS, IS 2H + 5 2H+5 ns
'en(CLKL-RW) Enable time, CLKOUT low to R/W enabled 2H + 5 2H+5 ns
'en(CLKL-S) Enable time, CLKOUT low to MSTRB, IOSTRB enabled 2H + 5 2H+5 ns
tv(HOLDA) Valid time, HOLDA low after CLKOUT low -2 5 0 5 ns
Valid time, HOLDA high after CLKOUT low -2 5 -2 3 ns
'w(HOLDA) Pulse duration, HOLDA low duration 2H-3 2H-3 ns
timing requirements for HOLD [H = 0.5 tC(co)] (see Figure 25) 'C54x-40 'LC54x-40 'LC54x-50 '54x-66 UNIT
'su(HOLD) Setup time, HOLD before CLKOUT low 10 10 ns
HOLD and HOLDA timing (continued) CLKOUT HOLD" HOLDA \_ tw(HOLDA) r
A[15:0] PS, DS, IS I*- tdis(CLKL-A) ten(CLKL-A) D[15:0] k tdis(CLKL-RW) *en(CLKL-RW) R/W tdis(CLKL-S) ->)— ten(CLKL-S) MSTRB -*\ \*~ ldis(CLKL-S) en(CLKL-S) IOSTRB Figure 25. HOLD and HOLDA Timing (HM = 1) ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 85 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C - FEBRUARY 1996 - REVISED DECEMBER 1999 reset, BIO, interrupt, and MP/MC timings timing requirements for reset, interrupt, BIO, and MP/MC [H = 0.5 tC(co)] (see Figure 26, Figure 27, and Figure 28) 'C54x-40 'LC54x-40 'LC54x-50 '54x-66 UNIT
*h(RS) Hold time, RS after CLKOUT low 0 0 0 ns
(h(BIO) Hold time, Bl° after CLKOUT low 0 0 0 ns
*h(INT) Hold time, INTn, NM|, after CLKOUT lowT 0 0 0 ns
th(MPMC) Hold time, MP/MC after CLKOUT low 0 0 0 ns
"TThe external interrupts (INTO-INT3, NMI) are synchronized to the core CPU by way of a two flip-flop synchronizer which samples these inputs with consecutive falling edges of CLKOUT. The input to the interrupt pins is required to represent a 1-0-0 sequence at the timing that is corresponding to three CLKOUTs sampling sequence. t If the PLL mode is selected, then at power-on sequence, or at wakeup from I DLE3.RS must be held low for at least 50 |is to assure synchronization and lock-in of the PLL. § Divide-by-two mode 11 Note that RS may cause a change in clock frequency, therefore changing the value of H (see the PLL section). 86 ^? Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C- FEBRUARY 1996- REVISED DECEMBER 1999 reset, BIO, interrupt, and MP/MC timings (continued)
CLKOUT RS MP/MC Figure 28. MP/MC Timing ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 87 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C - FEBRUARY 1996 - REVISED DECEMBER 1999 instruction acquisition (IAQ), interrupt acknowledge (lACK), external flag (XF), and TOUT timing switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions for IAQ and IACK [H = 0.5 tc(CO)] (see Figure 29) PARAMETER 'C54x-40 'LC54x-40 'LC54x-50 '54x-66 MIN MAX UNIT
'd(CLKL-IAQL) Delay time, IAQ low from CLKOUT low 0 5 ns
'd(CLKL-IAQH) Delay time, IAQ high from CLKOUT low -2 3 ns
'd(A)IAQ Delay time, address valid before IAQ low 4 ns
'd(CLKL-IACKL) Delay time, IACK low from CLKOUT low -2 3 ns
'd(CLKL-IACKH) Delay time , IACK high from CLKOUT low -2 3 ns
'd(A)IACK Delay time, address valid before IACK low 3 ns
'h(A)IAQ Hold time> address valid after IAQ high 0 ns
'h(A)IACK Hold time. address valid after IACK high 0 ns
'w(IAQL) Pulse duration, IAQ low 2H-10 ns
'w(IACKL) Pulse duration, IACK low 2H-10 ns
A[15:0] X X
td(CLKL-IAQL) —\4 ->I td(A)IAQ >I- td(CLKL-IAQH) I lh(A)IAQ
->I 7
I ->r- td(CLKL-IACKH) T lh(A)IACK
MSTRB \ Figure 29. Instruction Acquisition (IAQ) and Interrupt Acknowledge (lACK) Timing 88 ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C- FEBRUARY 1996- REVISED DECEMBER 1999 instruction acquisition (IAQ), interrupt acknowledge (IACK), external flag (XF), and TOUT timing (continued) switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions for external flag (XF) and TOUT [H = 0.5 tC(co)] (see Figure 30 and Figure 31) PARAMETER 'C54x-40 'LC54x-40 'LC54x-50 '54x-66 UNIT
*d(XF) Delay time, XF high after CLKOUT low -2 3 ns
Delay time, XF low after CLKOUT low 0 5
'd(TOUTH) Delay time, TOUT high after CLKOUT low -2 3 ns
'd(TOUTL) Delay time, TOUT low after CLKOUT low -2 3 ns
'w(TOUT) Pulse duration, TOUT 2H-10 ns
CLKOUT \ \ \ td(XF) XF X Figure 30. External Flag (XF) Timing ld(TOUTH) —f* H \4 N— td(TOUTL) CLKOUT TOUT
\ 2 — tw(TOUT) " Figure 31. TOUT Timing
^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 89 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C - FEBRUARY 1996 - REVISED DECEMBER 1999 serial port receive timing timing requirements for serial port receive [H = 0.5 tC(co)] (see Figure 32) 'C54x-40 'LC54x-40 'LC54x-50 '54x-66 UNIT
'c(SCK) Cycle time, serial port clock 6H t 6H t 6H t ns
(f(SCK) Fall time> serial port clock 6 6 6 ns
'r(SCK) Rise time, serial port clock 6 6 6 ns
'w(SCK) Pulse duration, serial port clock low/high 3H 3H 3H ns
'su(FSR) Setup time, FSR before CLKR falling edge 7 6 6 ns
(h(FSR) Hold time, FSR after CLKR falling edge 7 6 6 ns
'h(DR) Hold time. DR after CLKR falling edge 7 6 6 ns
'su(DR) Setup time, DR before CLKR falling edge 7 6 6 ns
t The serial port design is fully static and, therefore, can operate with WscK) approaching ?. It is characterized approaching an input frequency ofO Hz but tested at a much higher frequency to minimize test time. tf(SCK) CLKR FSR DR BIT 1 2 Figure 32. Serial Port Receive Timing X 7/15 X 8/16
90 ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C- FEBRUARY 1996- REVISED DECEMBER 1999 serial port transmit timing switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions for serial port transmit with external clocks and frames (see Figure 33) PARAMETER 'C54x-40 'LC54x-40 'LC54x-50 '54x-66 UNIT
'd(DX) Delay time, DX valid after CLKX rising 25 25 25 ns
'h(DX) Hold time, DX valid after CLKX rising -5 -5 -5 ns
'dis(DX) Disable time, DX after CLKX rising 40 40 40 ns
timing requirements for serial port transmit with external clocks and frames [H = 0.5tc/co)] (see Figure 33)
'C54x-40 'LC54x-40 'LC54x-50 '54x-66 UNIT
'c(SCK) Cycle time, serial port clock 6H t 6H t 6H t ns
'd(FSX) Delay time, FSX after CLKX rising edge 2H-8 2H-5 2H-5 ns
(h(FSX) Hold time, FSX after CLKX falling edge (see Note 1) 7 6 6 ns
'h(FSX)H Hold time> FSX after CLKX rising edge (see Note 1) 2H-8* 2H-5* 2H-5* ns
'f(SCK) Fall time, serial port clock 6 6 6 ns
'r(SCK) Rise time> serial port clock 6 6 6 ns
'w(SCK) Pulse duration, serial port clock low/high 3H 3H 3H ns
t The serial port design is fully static and, therefore, can operate with tc(sCK) approaching ~. It is characterized approaching an input frequency of 0 Hz but tested at a much higher frequency to minimize test time. t If the FSX pulse does not meet this specification, the first bit of serial data is driven on DX until the falling edge of FSX. After the falling edge of FSX, data is shifted out on DX pin. The transmit buffer-empty interrupt is generated when the th(FSX) and 'h(FSX)H specification is met. NOTE 1: Internal clock with external FSX and vice versa are also allowable. However, FSX timings to CLKX always are defined depending on the source of FSX, and CLKX timings always are dependent upon the source of CLKX. Specifically, the relationship of FSX to CLKX is independent of the source of CLKX. -H I-*- tf(SCK) CLKX FSX DXBIT 1 2 7/15 8/16 Figure 33. Serial Port Transmit Timing With External Clocks and Frames ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 91 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C - FEBRUARY 1996 - REVISED DECEMBER 1999 serial port transmit timing (continued) switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions for serial port transmit with internal clocks and frames [H = 0.5tC(co)] (see Figure 34) PARAMETER 'C54x-40 'LC54x-40 'LC54x-50 '54x-66 UNIT
'c(SCK) Cycle time, serial port clock 8H 8H ns
'd(FSX) Delay time, CLKX rising to FSX 15 15 ns
'd(DX) Delay time, CLKX rising to DX 15 15 ns
'dis(DX) Disable time, CLKX rising to DX 20 20 ns
'h(DX) Hold time, DX valid after CLKX rising edge -5 -5 ns
tf(scK) Fall time, serial port clock 4 4 ns
'r(SCK) Rise time, serial port clock 4 4 ns
'w(SCK) Pulse duration, serial port clock low/high 4H-8 4H-8 ns
H lc(SCK) I -H I-*- tf(SCK) CLKX FSX DX 1 2 7/15 8/16 Figure 34. Serial Port Transmit Timing With Internal Clocks and Frames
92 ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C- FEBRUARY 1996- REVISED DECEMBER 1999 buffered serial port receive timing timing requirements for buffered serial port receive (see Figure 35) 'C54x-40 'LC54x-40 '54x-50 '54x-66 UNIT
'c(SCK) Cycle time, serial port clock 25 t 20 t ns
'f(SCK) Fall time> serial port clock 4 4 ns
'r(SCK) Rise time> serial port clock 4 4 ns
'w(SCK) Pulse duration, serial port clock low/high 8.5 6 ns
'su(BFSR) Setup time, BFSR before BCLKR falling edge (see Note 2) 2 2 ns
(h(BFSR) Hold time, BFSR after BCLKR falling edge (see Note 2) 10 tc(scK)-2* 10 tc(scK)-2* ns
(su(BDR) Setup time, BDR before BCLKR falling edge 0 0 ns
'h(BDR) Hold time. BDR after BCLKR falling edge 10 10 ns
t The serial port design is fully static and therefore can operate with tc(scK) approaching infinity. It is characterized approaching an input frequency of 0 Hz but tested at a much higher frequency to minimize test time. t First bit is read when BFSR is sampled low by BCLKR clock. NOTE 2: Timings for BCLKR and BFSR are given with polarity bits (BCLKP and BFSP) set to 0. tc(SCK) 8/10/12/16 BCLKR BFSR BDR Figure 35. Buffered Serial Port Receive Timing ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 93 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C - FEBRUARY 1996 - REVISED DECEMBER 1999 buffered serial port transmit timing of external frames switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions for buffered serial port transmit of external frames (see Figure 36) PARAMETER 'C54x-40 'LC54x-40 'LC54x-50 '54x-66 UNIT
'd(BDX) Delay time, BDX valid after BCLKX rising 18 18 ns
'dis(BDX) Disable time, BDX after BCLKX rising 4 6 4 6 ns
'dis(BDX)pcm Disable time, PCM mode, BDX after BCLKX rising 6 6 ns
'en(BDX)pcm Enable time, PCM mode, BDX after BCLKX rising 8 8 ns
'h(BDX) Hold time> BDX valid after BCLKX rising 4 2 ns
timing requirements for buffered serial port transmit of external frames (see Figure 36) 'C54x-40 'LC54x-40 '54x-50 '54x-66 UNIT
'c(SCK) Cycle time, serial port clock 25 t 20 t ns
'f(SCK) Fall time, serial port clock 4 4 ns
'r(SCK) Rise time> serial port clock 4 4 ns
'w(SCK) Pulse duration, serial port clock low/high 8.5 6 ns
'h(BFSX) Hold time> BFSX after CLKX falling edge (see Notes 3 and 4) 6 *c(SCK)-6* 6 *c(SCK)-6* ns
'su(BFSX) Setup time, FSX before CLKX falling edge (see Notes 3 and 4) 6 6 ns
t The serial port design is fully static and therefore can operate with tc(sCK) approaching infinity. It is characterized approaching an input frequency ofO Hz but tested at a much higher frequency to minimize test time. t If BFSX does not meet this specification, the first bit of the serial data is driven on BDX until BFSX goes low (sampled on falling edge of BCLKX). After falling edge of the BFSX, data will be shifted out on the BDX pin. NOTES: 3. Internal clock with external BFSX and vice versa are also allowable. However, BFSX timings to BCLKX always are defined depending on the source of BFSX, and BCLKX timings always are dependent upon the source of BCLKX. 4. Timings for BCLKX and BFSX are given with polarity bits (BCLKP and BFSP) set to 0. 94 ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C- FEBRUARY 1996- REVISED DECEMBER 1999 buffered serial port transmit timing of external frames (continued) tc(SCK) -H -H I-*- tf(SCK) BCLKX BFSX BDX 1 2 8/10/12/16 Figure 36. Buffered Serial Port Transmit Timing of External Clocks and External Frames
^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 95 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C - FEBRUARY 1996 - REVISED DECEMBER 1999 buffered serial port transmit timing of internal frame and internal clock switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions for buffered serial port transmit of internal frame and internal clock [H = 0.5tc(CO)] (see Figure 37) PARAMETER 'C54x-40 'LC54x-40 'LC54x-50 '54x-66 UNIT
'c(SCK) Cycle time, serial port clock, internal clock 2H 62H 20 62H ns
Delay time, BFSX after BCLKX rising edge ld(BFSX) (see Notes 3 and 4) 10 10 ns
'd(BDX) Delay time, BDX valid after BCLKX rising edge 8 8 ns
'dis(BDX) Disable time, BDX after BCLKX rising edge 0 5 0 5 ns
'dis(BDX)pcm Disable time, PCM mode, BDX after BCLKX rising edge 5 5 ns
'en(BDX)pcm Enable time, PCM mode, BDX after BCLKX rising edge 7 7 ns
(h(BDX) Hold time, BDX valid after BCLKX rising edge 0 0 ns
(f(SCK) Fa"time. serial port clock 4 4 ns
'r(SCK) R'se time, serial port clock 4 4 ns
'w(SCK) Pulse duration, serial port clock low/high H-4 6 ns
NOTES: 3. Internal clock with external BFSX and vice versa are also allowable. However, BFSX timings to BCLKX always are defined depending on the source of BFSX, and BCLKX timings always are dependent upon the source of BCLKX. 4. Timings for BCLKX and BFSX are given with polarity bits (BCLKP and BFSP) set to 0. lc(SCK) -H I*- tf(SCK) y- BCLKX BFSX BDX 1 2 8/10/12/16 Figure 37. Buffered Serial Port Transmit Timing of Internal Clocks and Internal Frames
96 ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C- FEBRUARY 1996- REVISED DECEMBER 1999 serial-port receive timing in TDM mode timing requirements for serial-port receive in TDM mode [H = 0.5tC(co)] ('542/'543 only) (see Figure 38) '542 '543 MIN MAX UNIT
'su(TD-TCL) Setup time, TDAT/TADD before TCLK falling edge -(3H-9) ns
'h(TCH-TD) Hold time, TDAT/TADD after TCLK rising edge, tw(sCKL) < 5H 0 ns
th(TCL-TD) Hold time, TDAT/TADD after TCLK falling edge, tw(scKL) > 5H 5H+5 ns
'su(TF-TCH) Setup time, TFRM before TCLK rising edgef 10 ns
'h(TCH-TF) Hold time, TFRM after TCLK rising edgef 10 ns
t The serial-port design isfullystaticand, therefore, can operate with tc(sCK) approaching infinity. It is characterized approaching an input frequency of 0 Hz but tested at a much higher frequency to minimize test time. t TFRM timing and waveforms shown in Figure 38 are for external TFRM. TFRM can also be configured as internal. The TFRM internal case is illustrated in the transmit timing diagram in Figure 39. timing requirements for serial-port receive in TDM mode [H = 0.5tc/co)] ('54x devices other than '542/'543) (see Figure 38) 'C54x-40 'LC54x-40 'LC54x-50 '54X-66 UNIT
'c(SCK) Cycle time, serial-port clock 8H t 16H t ns
'su(TD-TCH) Setup time, TDAT/TADD before TCLK rising edge 25 10 ns
'h(TCH-TD) Hold time> TDAT/TADD after TCLK rising edge -6 1 ns
'su(TF-TCH) Setup time, TFRM before TCLK rising edgef 10 10 ns
'h(TCH-TF) Hold time> TFRM after TCLK rising edgef 10 10 ns
t The serial-port design isfullystaticand, therefore, can operate with WsCK) approaching infinity. It is characterized approaching an input frequency of 0 Hz but tested at a much higher frequency to minimize test time. t TFRM timing and waveforms shown in Figure 38 are for external TFRM. TFRM can also be configured as internal. The TFRM internal case is illustrated in the transmit timing diagram in Figure 39. ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 97 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C - FEBRUARY 1996 - REVISED DECEMBER 1999
"H I*- tf(SCK) su(TD-TCL) - tsu(TD-TCH)+| f- th(TCH-TD) J serial-port receive timing in TDM mode (continued) tw(SCK) -^ > tsu(TD-TCL)* < TCLK |<— lc(SCK) -*| TDAT B14 th(TCL-TD)* f< > B15 A1 TADD TFRM A0 B12 A3 "H I"*" tr(scK) th(TCL-TD)* B1 A4 A7 t All devices except '542/'543 t '542/'543 only Figure 38. Serial-Port Receive Timing in TDM Mode 98 ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C- FEBRUARY 1996- REVISED DECEMBER 1999 serial-port transmit timing in TDM mode switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions for serial-port transmit in TDM mode [H = 0.5tC(co)] (see Figure 39) PARAMETER '542 '543 'C54x-40 'LC54x-40 'LC54x-50 UNIT
'h(TCH-TDV) Hold time> TDAT/TADD valid after TCLK rising edge, TCLK external 3 0 ns
'h(TCH-TDV) Hold time. TDAT/TADD valid after TCLK rising edge, TCLK internal 1 -5 ns
(d(TCH-TFV) Delay time, TFRM valid after TCLK rising edge TCLK extt H-3 3H + 22 H-3 3H + 22 ns
Delay time, TFRM valid after TCLK rising edge, TCLK intt H-3 3H + 12 H-3 3H + 12
td(TC-TDV) Delay time, TCLK to valid TDAT/TADD, TCLKext 18 25 ns
Delay time, TCLK to valid TDAT/TADD, TCLKint 18 18
t TFRM timing and waveforms shown in Figure 39 are for internal TFRM. TFRM can also be configured as external. The TFRM external case is illustrated in the receive timing diagram in Figure 38. switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions for serial-port transmit in TDM mode [H = 0.5tC(co)] (see Figure 39) PARAMETER '54x-66 UNIT
'h(TCH-TDV) Hold time> TDAT/TADD valid after TCLK rising edge, TCLK external 1 ns
'h(TCH-TDV) Hold time. TDAT/TADD valid after TCLK rising edge, TCLK internal 1 ns
(d(TCH-TFV) Delay time, TFRM valid after TCLK rising edge, TCLK extt H-3 3H+22 ns
Delay time, TFRM valid after TCLK rising edge, TCLK intt H-3 3H+12
(d(TC-TDV) Delay time, TCLK to valid TDAT/TADD, TCLKext 25 ns
Delay time, TCLK to valid TDAT/TADD, TCLKint 18
t TFRM timing and waveforms shown in Figure 39 are for internal TFRM. TFRM can also be configured as external. The TFRM external case is illustrated in the receive timing diagram in Figure 38. ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 99 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C - FEBRUARY 1996 - REVISED DECEMBER 1999 serial-port transmit timing in TDM mode (continued) timing requirements for serial-port transmit in TDM mode [H = 0.5tC(co)] (see Figure 39)
'C54x-40 'LC54x-40 'LC54x-50 '54X-66
(c(SCK) Cycle time, serial-port clock 8Ht t 16Ht t ns
t When SCK is generated internally, this value is typical. t The serial-port design is fully static and, therefore, can operate with tc(scK) approaching oo. It is characterized approaching an input frequency of 0 Hz but tested as a much higher frequency to minimize test time. B14 )( B13 )(B12 " B8XB7 " B2X B1 TCLK TDAT TADD TFRM lw(SCK) Figure 39. Serial-Port Transmit Timing in TDM Mode 100 ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C- FEBRUARY 1996- REVISED DECEMBER 1999 host-port interface timing switching characteristics over recommended operating conditions for host-port interface [H = 0.5tC(co)] (see Note 5, Note 6, and Figure 40 through Figure 43) PARAMETER 'C54x-40 'C54x-50 'C54x-66 UNIT
'd(DSL-HDV) Delay time, DS low to HD driven 5 12 ns
Delaytime, HDS falling to HDvalidforfirstbyte (d(HEL-HDV1) Of a non-subsequent read: -> max 20 nstt Case 1: Shared-access mode if (w(DSH) < 7H 7H+20-tw(DSH) ns
Case 2: Shared-access mode if (w(DSH) > 7H 20
Case 3: Host-only mode if *w(DSH) < 20 ns 4°-tw(DSH)
Case 4: Host-only mode if *w(DSH) > 20 ns 20
(d(DSL-HDV2) Delay time, DS low to HD valid, second byte 5* 20 ns
'd(DSH-HYH) Delay time, DS high to HRDY high 10H+10 ns
'su(HDV-HYH) Setuptime, HD valid before HRDY rising edge 3H-10 ns
'h(DSH-HDV)R Hold time, HD valid after DS rising edge, read 0 12 ns
'd(COH-HYH) Delay time, CLKOUT rising edge to HRDY high 10 ns
td(DSH-HYL) DelaYtime, HDS or HCS ni9n to HRDY low 12 ns
'd(COH-HTX) Delay time, CLKOUT rising edge to HINT change 15 ns
t Host-only mode timings apply for read accesses to HPIC or HPIA, write accesses to BOB, and resetting DSPINT or HINT to 0 in shared-access mode. HRDY does not go low for these accesses. t Shared-access mode timings will be met automatically if HRDY is used. NOTES: 5. SAM = shared-access mode, HOM = host-only mode HAD stands for HCNTRL0, HCNTRU.and HR/W. HDS refers to either HDS1 or HDS2. DS refers to the logical OR of HCS and HDS. 6. On host read accesses to the HPI, the setup time of HD before DS rising edge depends on the host waveforms and cannot be specified here. ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 101 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C - FEBRUARY 1996 - REVISED DECEMBER 1999 host-port interface timing (continued) timing requirements for host-port interface [H = 0.5tc/co)] (see Note 5 and Figure 40 through Figure 43) 'C54x-40 'C54x-50 'C54x-66 UNIT
'su(HBV-DSL) Setup time, HAD/HBIL valid before DS or HAS falling edge 10 ns
'h(DSL-HBV) Hold time. HAD/HBIL valid after DS or HAS falling edge 5 ns
'su(HSL-DSL) Setup time, HAS low before DS falling edge 12 ns
'w(DSL) Pulse duration, DS low 30t ns
'w(DSH) Pulse duration, DS high 10 ns
+ Cycle time, DS rising edge to next DS *c(DSH-DSH)T rising edge Case 1: HOM access timings (see Access Timing Without HRDY) 50 ns
Case 2a: SAM accesses and HOM active writes to DSPINTorHINT. (see Access Timings With HRDY) 10H
'su(HDV-DSH) Setup time, HD valid before DS rising edge 12 ns
'd(DSH-HSL)^ Delay time, DS high to next HAS low 10H ns
'h(DSH - HDV)W Hold time. HD valid after DS risin9 ed9e, write 3 ns
t A host not using HRDY should meet the 10H requirement all the time unless a software handshake is used to change the access rate according to the HPI mode. t Must only be met if HAS is going low when not accessing the HPI (as would be the case where multiple devices are being driven by one host). NOTE 5: SAM = shared-access mode, HOM = host-only mode HAD stands for HCNTRL0, HCNTRL1, and HR/W. HDS refers to either HDS1 or HDS2. DS refers to the logical OR of HCS and HDS. 102 ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C- FEBRUARY 1996- REVISED DECEMBER 1999 host-port interface timing (continued) FIRST BYTE SECOND BYTE
vand w(DSH) hcs y~ ~\ HDS A A ld(HEL-HDV1) th(DSH-HDV)R lh(DSH-HDV)W HAD HBIL HD READ HD WRITE th(DSL-HBV) tsu(HBV-DSL) th(DSL-HBV) >]— tsu(HBV-DSL) Figure 40. Read/Write Access Timings Without HRDY or HAS ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 103 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C - FEBRUARY 1996 - REVISED DECEMBER 1999
tsu(HBV-DSL) lh(DSL-HBV) {*— th(DSL-HBV)T host-port interface timing (continued) Valid FIRST BYTE HD WRITE ld(HEL-HDV1) td(DSL-HDV) " SECOND BYTE tc(DSH-DSH) \ lh(DSH-HDV)R I td(DSL-HDV2) l -/ Valid \ tsu(HDV-DSH) -\4 *h(DSH-HDV)W | -f Valid I ->I td(DSH-HSL) *h(DSH-HDV)R lh(DSH-HDV)W twhen HAS is tied to Figure 41. Read/Write Access Timings Using HAS Without HRDY 104 ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C- FEBRUARY 1996- REVISED DECEMBER 1999 host-port interface timing (continued) SECOND BYTE HAS tsu(HBV-DSL) HAD lsu(HBV-DSL) HBIL w(DSH) HCS HDS
HD WRITE Valid Valid H td(COH-HYH) CLKOUT HINT td(COH-HTX) tWhen HAS is tied to VDD Figure 42. Read/Write Access Timing With HRDY ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 105 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C - FEBRUARY 1996 - REVISED DECEMBER 1999 host-port interface timing (continued) HCS td(DSH-HYL) HRDY \ jf \* ld(DSH-HYH) HDS \ Figure 43. HRDY Signal When HCS is Always Low ^ Texas Instruments 1 06 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C- FEBRUARY 1996- REVISED DECEMBER 1999 MECHANICAL DATA TMS320LC542/'LC545 128-Pin Thin Plastic Quad Flatpack (TQFP) PBK (S-PQFP-G128) PLASTIC QUAD FLATPACK 0,40 96 0,23 0,13 65 0,07 (M)
97 64
0,13 NOM 0,05 MIN 0°-7c 128. o 12,40 TYP 14,20 SQ SQ 13,80 16,20 15,80 32 33
1,45 ~~ 1^35 /^ ^\
ik i
i=, \ I
r ,JT
^L-1 Ў Seating Plane
1,60 MAX ^~ / t
—^ ! ^ 0,08
0,75 0^45 4040279-3/B 03/95 NOTES: A. All linear dimensions are in millimeters. B. This drawing is subject to change without notice. Thermal Resistance Characteristics PARAMETER °c/w
Rgjc 10
^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 107 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C - FEBRUARY 1996 - REVISED DECEMBER 1999 MECHANICAL DATA TMS320C542/'LC542/'LC548, 'LC549, 'VC549 144-Pin Thin Plastic Quad Flatpack (TQFP) PGE (S-PQFP-G144) PLASTIC QUAD FLATPACK 108 73
109 ' 72
0,27 0,08 (M)
0,13 NOM 0,05 MIN 0°-7c 144 i o 17,50 TYP SQ SQ 20,20 19,80 22,20 21,80 36 -> 37
1,45 1,35 — 1,60 MAX 0,75 0,45 Seating Plane 0,08 4040147/B 10/94 NOTES: A. All linear dimensions are in millimeters. B. This drawing is subject to change without notice. C. Falls within JEDEC MO-136 Thermal Resistance Characteristics PARAMETER °c/w
Rgjc 5
108 ^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C- FEBRUARY 1996- REVISED DECEMBER 1999 MECHANICAL DATA TMS320C541/'LC541/'LC543/'LC546 100-Pin Thin Plastic Quad Flatpack (TQFP) PZ (S-PQFP-G100) PLASTIC QUAD FLATPACK 0,50 75 51 0,27
76 50
0,13 NOM 0,05 MIN 0°-7c 100i o 12,00 TYP 14,20 SQ SQ 13,80 16,20 15,80 25 -> 26
1,45 L- 1,60 MAX ,, Seating Plane 0,08 0,75 0,45 4040149 /B 10/94 NOTES: A. All linear dimensions are in millimeters. B. This drawing is subject to change without notice. C. Falls within JEDEC MO-136 Thermal Resistance Characteristics PARAMETER °C/W
^ Texas Instruments POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251-1443 109 TMS320C54x, TMS320LC54x, TMS320VC54x FIXED-POINT DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS SPRS039C - FEBRUARY 1996 - REVISED DECEMBER 1999 MECHANICAL DATA TMS320LC548, TMS320LC549, and TMS320VC549 144-Pin Plastic Ball Grid Array Package (BGA)GGU (S-PBGA-N144) PLASTIC BALL GRID ARRAY PACKAGE 12,10 11,90 SQ 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Q O Q -o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O O O C) O O O O C) O O O O C) O O O O Q O ooe o o 000(1)0 O O O C) O O O O () O O O O () O
o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Q Q O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o A B C D E F G H J K L M N
1,40 MAX 4073221/A 11/96 NOTES: A. All linear dimensions are in millimeters. B. This drawing is subject to change without notice. Thermal Resistance Characteristics PARAMETER °c/w