Program lab4; uses crt; var ofile,filenew:text; temp:string; ch:char; Procedure replace (var ch:char;var temp:string); var i:byte; begin for i:=1 to length(temp) do begin if((temp[i]<='z')and(temp[i]>='a'))or((temp[i]<='Z')and(temp[i]>='A')) then begin temp[i]:=ch; if ch='z' then ch:='a' else ch:=succ(ch); end; end; end; Begin clrscr; writeln('Writing to file "new.txt" '); assign(ofile,'lab31.pas'); assign(filenew,'new.txt'); reset(ofile); rewrite(filenew); ch:='a'; while not eof(ofile) do begin readln(ofile,temp); replace(ch,temp); writeln(filenew,temp); end; close(filenew); close(ofile); readln; End.