Sample Application Form Personal NAME Lyubov Breus ADDRESS 55a Chornovola str, R 220 PHONE NO (063)9757593 DO YOU HAVE VLID DRIVER’S LICENCE Yes No MARITAL STATUS no married NO. OF DEPENDENTS EDUCATION secondary Name of School Year graduated Course Taken or Degree Secondary school №3 1997-2007 LANGUAGES Russian/Ukrainian Excellent Good Fair English Excellent Good Fair EXPERIENCE COMPANY Information Computers ADRESS 22 Independence str. TYPE OF BUSINESS/INDUSTRY EMPLOYED (Moth & Year) Economist dpt FROM June 2009 TO July 2009 POSITION(S) HELD SUPERVISOR’S NAME Accountant Nadia Kryvenko DESCRIBE YOUR DUTIES Fill of account books, new ideas in planning WHY DID YOU LEAVE Finished term the practice PERSONAL REFERENCES Name N. Kryvenko Address 5 Soborna, str. Phone No. 2-2-24