Today, entrepreneurs in the field of road transport services clearly regulated by current legislation of Ukraine. At all stages of this activity by various authorities are continuously monitoring the compliance requirements of regulations on activities in the field of road transport services. Road transport carries a large share of passenger and cargo traffic in the country. Thus, the volume of road transport is higher than rail transport in 4, 5-5 times, and the volume of passenger transportation - U5-6 times. In our country, buses carrying almost as many passengers as all other modes of transport (trolleybus, tram, railway, subway, taxi passenger, sea, river and air), combined. Road transport appears most reliable, fast and cost-effective in carrying out cargo transportation over short distances (an average of about 20 km) "door - to door. Total length of paved roads in our country than a quarter million miles. However, the road of Ukraine does not meet European standards by many parameters. Yes, obviously a lack of roads with a several categories of traffic at high speeds. Territorial Ukraine is at the crossroads of transport corridors, connecting Southeast and Northwest Europe, which gives reason to anticipate a significant increase in the role of vehicles in the future. Transport legislation regulating road transport, operating such basic concepts as "motor vehicles", "Traffic", "composition of road transport. Road transport - a transport subsectors, which is designed to meet the needs of the population and public production in the carriage. His form carriers, bus, bus performer’s repair and maintenance of motor vehicles, cargo terminals (motor) Truck stations and container stations. Another important phenomenon that is directly connected with motor transport is the category of traffic, which in turn expresses the relationship regarding the use of roads, streets, railroad crossings or other places designated for the movement of people and cargo transportation by vehicles. Category SDA is part of the phenomenon of road transport, based on what we will summarize these categories and we will talk about the "road transport. Composition of vehicles: public road transport (carriers, bus, bus performers repair and maintenance of motor vehicles, cargo terminals (Avtoport), Truck and container station items, motor vehicles); departmental road transport (road transport businesses, institutions and organizations that used them only for their own needs); individual road transport (motor vehicles of individuals who used them only for their own needs, relating to individual road transport). In the legal literature used the term "motor right", which is interpreted as subsectors of transport law, which is the subject of legal relations that arise about the implementation of road transport. Sources of law characterized by motor and kodyfikovanistyu some specific ordering. The main sources - the Law of Ukraine "On Transport", Laws "On Automobile Transport" and "Road Traffic; regulations are diverse and specific transport law as a special area with a high degree of administration. The main task of state regulation of road transport is the formation of market its services through the implementation of the economic, investment, scientific, technical and social policy (Law of Ukraine "On Automobile Transport"). The system of state management bodies by road must include the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Ministry of Transport and Communications of Ukraine, State Department of Road Transport, State Road Administration of Ukraine, state authorities and local self-governments in the implementation of competence in the management of transport. Ministry of Transport of Ukraine is the central executive body in transport and provides the state policy on road transport, international road transport service and governmental authority in road transport - Department of Road Transport of Ukraine. Department of Road Transport of Ukraine organizes control over the implementation of legislation on road transport and preparation of proposals for its improvement, in the prescribed manner participate in the standardization and certification, licensing, transportation, forms the proposals on tariff policy, according to the legislation provides consumer protection services of road transport total use. State Road Administration of Ukraine is the central organ of executive power after the liquidation of the Ukrainian State Corporation for the construction, repair and maintenance of roads (Presidential Decree № 1056/2001 from 11.08.2001, "On measures to improve management of the Ukraine Road"). Local state administration organizes and controls the transport by road according to law. Functions of territorial executive authority in the field of transport in Kiev to the corresponding structural unit of the Kiev City Administration - Administration KSCA transport in other regions - the relevant industry divisions - divisions and management. The subjects of legal relations in road transport is a wide range of individuals and legal entities that provide transportation services, transportation services consume, create conditions for road users. Their legal status has two components: one related to the provision of transport services (regulated by the Law of Ukraine "On Automobile Transport", the Law № 2344-III dated 04.05.2001 of the year), and another - with participation in road traffic (regulated by the Law of Ukraine «Road Traffic, Law № 3353-XII of 30.06.93 years). Main road users - the owners of vehicles. Use of vehicles has certain characteristics, given that they are sources of increased danger. In this regard, the Road Transport put forward a number of security requirements to protect the interests of other traffic participants. Safety in road transport is to establish: system of standardization and certification of vehicles; licensing of vehicles; vehicle registration; technical inspection of vehicles; state control on traffic. Standardization system in road transport aims to implement a common technical policy, consumer protection and the state (Article 8 of the Law of Ukraine "On Automobile Transport"). Certification of goods and services in road transport for general use is to: prevent the sale of goods and services which are hazardous to life, health and property of people and the environment; assistance to consumers in a choice of goods and services; creating conditions for the participation of businesses belonging to automobile transportation, in international economic, scientific and technical cooperation. The procedure for certification of goods and services in road transport determines the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. Providing services for passenger and cargo road transport for general use is subject to licensing under the law (Law of Ukraine "On Automobile Transport", the Law of Ukraine "On licensing certain types of business). Licensing truck transport utilities aimed at the initial and current conditions of service of transportation and the most important parameters of customer service (Article 8 of the Law of Ukraine "On Transport", art. 9 of the Law of Ukraine "On Automobile Transport"). Another important safety measure vehicle is state control on traffic, the exercise of State Road Transport Department and its territorial bodies, including the International Road Transport Department and other government agencies and local authorities according to law (DAI, control transport, etc.). State control is provided by the system of registration and inspection of transport. According to Art. 34 Law of Ukraine "On Road Traffic" of the state registration must be designed for use on street-road network public vehicles, buses, mobile machines, built on the chassis of cars, motorcycles of all types, makes and models of trailers and semi motokolyasky. State registration and registration carried out by authorities of the State Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the order established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from September 7, 1998 № 1388 "On approval of state registration of cars, buses and self-propelled machines, built on the chassis of cars, motorcycles of all types, makes and models of trailers and semi motokolyasok). All other motor vehicles subject to registration and departmental accounting procedure which is established in art. 34 Law of Ukraine "On Road Traffic" (Law of Ukraine № 3353-XII of 30.06.93 "on traffic). Vehicle owners must register their vehicles due within ten days after their purchase, receipt or of circumstances that require changes in the registration documents. According to the local executive authorities and local authorities may be pursued registration of mopeds, bicycles and horse-drawn carts (sledge). Operation of unregistered vehicles and vehicles without license plates appropriate form is prohibited. If operation of such vehicle, he may be forcibly removed. Vehicle owners in this case is returned to its value in consideration of the technical condition and working life. Driven vehicles involved in road traffic, and trailers (trailers) are subject to mandatory state technical inspection in the manner prescribed by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 26 February 1993 № 141 "On approval of the State technical inspection of cars, buses, motorcycle and trailers). Driven vehicles that were not required once the technical review for further operation is not allowed (Article 35 of the Law of Ukraine "On Road Traffic"). Automobile fuel and lubricants must meet the requirements established by law and accompanied by a certificate of compliance with these requirements. The procedure for certification of goods and services in road transport determines the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
In Ukraine, approved rules of the road transport of dangerous vantazhivi The corresponding order of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine with Low trance Ukraine approved the rules of road transport of dangerous goods that are registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine. They determine the order and the basic requirements to ensure safety of the transport of dangerous goods by road in Ukraine. Tsi rules are mandatory for all Ukrainian carriers. The main provisions of the Rules meet the requirements of the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods, to which Ukraine joined in 2002 in the year. Rules cancelled specifications for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods and the need for a flashing orange Mayachka in vehicles. In addition to the concepts rules shipper, carrier, vantazhooderzhuvachata driver, introduced the concept of porter responsible for the content, wrappers. Documenting significantly expanded responsibilities shipper of dangerous goods. In addition, the regulations will bring the dangerous goods list with number of sample labelling, packing group, number, type of hazard, and transport category for the maximum quantities of dangerous goods packed in limited kilkosti.Kontrol compliance rules relies on the divisions of the State Ministry of Ukraine, but at the checkpoints on the border-service international road transport of the Ministry of Transport of Ukraine.