Origin of money. To give reliable interpretation of essence of money scientifically, it is needed foremost to explore their origin. Unfortunately, a world economic idea did not give synonymous explanation of this process. Beginning from Aristotel and to a 18 item an idea was wide-spread in the theory of money, that a money arose up as a result of agreement between people or inculcated the legislative acts of the state for the sake of facilitation of exchange of commodities. Such interpretation of origin of money got the name of conception of rationalism. However scientific analysis of origin and nature of money, done the classics of political economy of A. Smitt, D. Ricardo, K. Marks led to the groundlessness of conception of rationalism. In fact a money in their simplest displays arose up on the early degrees of development of society, when neither factor of mutual agreement nor State power simply could not act substantial part in forming of economic relations, the more so to constitute such their difficult form as money. The founders of classic political economy came to conclusion, that the origin of money is predefined difficulties of direct exchange by the products of labour. On the lowest stages of economic development, when producers only began to get surpluses of products of the labour and wanted them to exchange, it was enough to do it difficultly: the desires of two subjects of market in relation to an exchange the costs of consumers did not coincide. For example, proprietor the pulley of sheep wanted to barter a corn on them, but the proprietor of corn needs was an ax. Well, if the proprietor of the last needed skins sheep, then an exchange could take place. In opposite time all three could purchase nothing and returned from a market with the commodities. Gradually participants will cover satisfied of tomu, that among products which are exchanged at the market, there is such which is more frequent in all asked, that he has most consumer cost. This product always can be easily exchanged for a necessity presently blessing. Possibly, that such product in this locality is salt. If she will appear in the place of exchange, the proprietor of skins of sheep at once will exchange them for salt for which then will barter a necessity corn him straight or mediated: at first ¾ ax, and for her ¾ corn. In this case salt comes forward for the proprietor of skins not simply a consumer cost, but by the mean of exchange, that executes the simplest function of money. With development and complication of exchange such products become all more desirable for the participants of exchange. All begin to adopt them in an exchange on ordinary products, and the same they acquire a new consumer cost gradually ¾ to be property a general commodity equivalent. In separate localities, where from a deep remoteness there was an exchange, the commodities were gradually selected on the role of general to the equivalent. In such role at different people came forward cattle, fur, salt, corn, tortoises, threw and othe. Elemental fixing after one of commodities of role of general meant an equivalent in essence appearance of money in their simplest kind They could execute the ascending, base functions of monies already ¾ to the mean of measuring of cost and mean of appeal. However on this primitive form development of money did not stop. To the extent of development of commodity production, growth of the labour, complication and expansion of territorial scopes of exchange productivity a market steadily strengthened requirements to the money commodity. In particular, requirements increased in relation to portability, easily to be divided ability and proceed in a necessary form, of long duration storage of physical qualities, high specific cost and ability lasted to retain her at unchanging level and other Forming of the indicated requirements resulted at first in replacement in a role of general the equivalent of ordinary commodities of daily necessity of commodities ¾ by the decorations of, and then these last ¾ by the pieces of metals, at first ordinary and then ¾ noble . Market necessities in providing of effective exchange and his requirement to the money purchased so important value gradually, that differentiating of natural consumer cost of money commodity took place, how to satisfy his capabilities certain necessity of man, and his specific consumer cost as money ¾ to satisfy capabilities market necessities in facilities of appeal, storage of cost and others like that. In this quality a money commodity purchased ability to satisfy any necessity of man, depersonalized abstract human necessity as such. Thus to the extent of actualization of the second consumer cost of money commodity connection of the last relaxed with primary vital necessities in an eventual account in general to pass to the role of money the immaterial transmitter, that happened in the middle of 20th age through demonetization of gold. As evidently from vikladenogo, origin and development of money ¾ it is the protracted evolutional process, predefined elemental development of commodity production and exchange. Such interpretation of origin of money got the name of evolutional conception. It is more scientifically reliable and creates a favourable base for finding out of essence of money the row of important in that behalf conclusions swims out From him: at first, money for an origin ¾ it is a commodity, but not simply commodity, but transmitter of certain public relations forming of which stipulated a selection from the wide row of ordinary commodities one ¾ money; secondly, as a result of the protracted evolutional development of commodity production and market a money can not be the hardening, once for all this phenomenon, but must constantly develop both in essence and after the forms of existence; thirdly, a money can not be abolished or changed the agreement of people or decision of the state until there are adequate a money public relations, the same as can not be “entered” wherein such relations do not exist. Confession of evolutional conception of origin of money does not abolish quite a question about the role of rational factor in creation of money, foremost about the role of the state. Due to the public nature and extraordinarily important economic and social role a money and state exist in close intercommunication and vzaemovplivi. That is why there are not reasons in general to deny the role of the state in the evolution of money. But this role not constituting, but transforming, that the not state creates a money as economic phenomenon, but she can determine and change the external attributes of money, that to influence on the form of money with the purpose of the best adaptation them to effective implementation of public role. For example, the state licked into a metallic money shape of coin, due to the state replacement of gold money, state, became possible the inferior money of credits determines a face value, form, order of emission of signs of monies and others like that. But all these actions of the state in relation to a money do not touch them essence, does not determine and does not abolish her, that have the expressly set borders. If the state in the transforming actions goes beyond these scopes, for example, issues such money which lose a trust to itself from the side of society, and consequently ¾ stop to be a money in essence, economic reality will begin to “search” or create more reliable money, in particular will resort to services of foreign currency or obligations of credits of /bills/ of exchange of reliable business corporations. On such conditions the state forced will be to limit to the influence on a money the indicated scopes, to replace a “unhigh-quality” money high-quality, conducting money reform, in future to consider by objective nature of money in the transforming actions. Essence of money. After the place there is a money in a commodity production and exchange ¾ it is a specific commodity which must property be trucked for any other commodity, that is a general equivalent. Nature of money as general an equivalent determined foremost their origin. As be shown higher, a money arose up as a result of elemental selection from the great number of commodities one, most suitable after the physical properties to carry out the role of general equivalent. But also after completion of forming of money as independent economic phenomenon by a transmitter them during millenniums there were commodities in their naturally thing kind, in particular silver and gold. Being ordinary commodities, they determined commodity nature and money the public role of which was carried out allegedly holding two jobs. However impossible it is to explain commodity nature of money only by their origin or fixing of their public role after a certain concrete commodity. A money is a commodity in itself, on the essence which is determined their place in the relations of commodities. It notedly was already at those terms, when concrete commodities came forward in a role of money. Yes, gold, becoming the monopolistic transmitter of money essence, got double existence ¾ as an ordinary commodity and as a money. Duality appeared both in his consumer and in an exchange value. Next to a concrete consumer cost as ability to satisfy the certain necessities of man, gold purchased a total consumer worth ¾ to satisfy capabilities any human necessities as a result of the use of him as common mean of exchange. Between the concrete and general consumer cost of gold there was contradiction ¾ if it is used in the first quality, can not be used in the second, and vice versa.To the extent of development of commodity production this contradiction is steadily sharpened: to satisfy the all growings necessities of appeal in zoloti-groshakh, it would be fully to give up the use of him as concrete commodity. In such situation the special value of specific qualities of gold is lost as a money commodity, as to realize them dedili becomes heavier. The decision of this contradiction was found on the way of idealization of money, gradual transition of total consumer worth vid a concrete commodity-gold to his simple sign. The first step in this direction was done in the tiy sphere of relations of monies, where natural properties of gold as to the commodity required the least measure ¾ in the field of commodity appeal. Instantaneous character of functioning of money as opened a way the mean of appeal for a substitution groshey-zolota money-signs. The real reality testifies and about the split of exchange value of gold as an ordinary commodity and as a money. The cost of gold as an ordinary commodity is formed under act of changes of the public labour in zolotodobuvanni and changes of public necessities productivity in this concrete commodity. on the cost of gold, as a money, such factors influence, in addition, yet and, as changes of public necessities in a money in all their functions, loud speaker of gold reserves, accumulated in previous ages, and other That is why the cost of gold as a money becomes less dependency upon the current changes of terms of booty of gold, more permanent, than cost of gold as to the commodity. Especially perceptibly these differences of cost of gold as an ordinary commodity and money appear in circulation of chinks. As known, vid the protracted appeal of coin worn away, and the cost of gold which really remains in a coin diminishes. However in circulation chinks continued to circulate in the previous cost which remained only nominally. In such nominal cost chinks continued successfully to function as a measure of cost and mean of appeal, that to execute basic functions which constitute the phenomenon of money. The similar divided of cost of gold coin on real and nominal can take place and under act of changes of terms and technology of booty of gold. In such cases the cost of of the same name coin is real went down at saving during some time in the relations of markets of its previous cost as nominal, especially at the markets, remote vid the places of booty of gold. without regard to the increase of prices on commodities in the places of his booty, considerable part of other commodities long time continues to be estimated the measure of cost, which became illusive, out-of-date. Only afterwards the nominal cost of money is gradually aligned on the actual cost of gold as to the commodity. However much one circle of smoothing will take place while, an actual cost can never not to “go” after her or evened with her only on short space. Demonetization of gold. Although gold began to carry out the role of money yet from ХIV age B.C. in Egypt, Indium, China, and afterwards in Greece and other countries, however parallel other metals of monies were used long time with him, foremost silver. Only from the second half of ХIХ item to the middle of ХХ age gold carried out the role of money individually. Such relatively short duration of gold monometalizmu can be explained tim, that those evolutional processes which entailed fixing of role of money after gold as most adjusted for this purpose noble metal stipulated insolvency of him forever or even for a long time to gain a foothold in this role and arrange pre-conditions for passing to the high-quality new money which got the name of credits. Complication and expansion of commodity production and relations of markets, which overcame all spheres of human society, from one side, ta appearance of mighty /state-monopoly/ factors of unmarkets of influence on an economy ¾ from the second, put before a money commodity in the epoch of gold monometalizmu yet more difficult requirements. At first, quickly requirements increased in relation to growth of volumes of recreation of money commodity in accordance with the intensively growings scales of public production and appeal. A reaction on this requirement was wide introduction in the appeal of rozminnikh on gold of circulating notes of papers, poskil'ki making of gold money was extremely limited the small supplies of gold. Secondly, requirements appeared in relation to the cutback of spending on making of money for minimization of public charges of appeal, which constantly grew to the extent of expansion of scales of production and appeal and caused this multiplying mass of money in circulation. even at replacement in circulation of gold chinks by paper currencies of papers, but at saving of exchange of them on gold, the states must were accumulate large the masses of gold, distracting considerable the masses of public labour for this purpose. Thirdly, vartivst' money in new usmovakh, which required the active struchannya states in economic life of society, guilty was to become more flexible, more pliably to the state regulyativnikh measures. Could satisfy not a single commodity the indicated requirements ¾ product of human labour, even the noblest from metals ¾ gold. Being relatively m’yagkim and having a high specific cost, gold perceptibly wore out in the process of appeal, that resulted in the severe losses of urechevlenoy of public labour. In connection with insignificant distribution in nature the booty of gold could not have time after growth of mistnosti market and necessities of him in the amount of money. The cost of gold is least added any the changes, as on her not only factors which determine a current production but also cost influence by ages of the accumulated gold reserves. Financial form of gold, physical properties of which did him most suitable to carry out the role of money in previous ages, in the conditions of 20th age appeared an insuperable barrier for vikonnannya this role them. Vibduvsya process of demonetization of gold: at first from an appeal gold chinks were withdrawn, in place of them an inferior money began to serve the sphere of appeal, and afterwards the exchange of inferior money is fully stopped on gold in any form. Evolutional processes in an economy, which entailed demonetization of gold, arranged subsoil for introduction of immaterial transmitters of groshoovi essence ¾ so-called money of credits. As marked higher, exactly gold carried out a money role not so much in the real cost, skil'ki in nominal. Gradually it purchased the special consumer cost as general an equivalent, which zaslonila by itself his natural consumer vartivst' The same world practice of the use of gold money prepared society to perception of immaterial money, unconnected with gold, as more effective money form. On that ground an economic idea finally came to conclusion, that a money is not adequate gold, that they ¾ something other, more difficult phenomenon of public character which can not be expressed even noble metals. Value of monies of credits. How is the value of monies of credits, which do not have an intrinsic substantsional'noy value, formed? Its forming and functioning takes place under act of those factors which in the conditions of zolotomonetnogo standard caused deviation of nominal cost of gold money from the real. As far as a substitution in circulation of gold this break increased his signs and even a rozminni on gold money all anymore came forward in their nominal, instead of real cost. With stopping of exchange a greenback is on gold a money remained in circulation only in the nominal cost. In essence she became an irrational size, which is determined incarnate in a money commodity public not labour, but tim environment which a money function[1]in. Mass of signs of monies of, which enters into the sphere of exchange in every next loop of recreation ¾ a size is not casual. She is predefined above all things the combined exchange value of commodities which are realized in the previous loop and went out in the sphere of consumption. The signs of monies, remaining in circulation, continue to present this combined commodity cost, being its imprint. It appears in tomu, that every proprietor of money, entering with them into the duty cycle of exchange, examines them as the concrete real cost and ready to pay any their not sum for a necessary commodity, but only tu which will provide him the appropriation of equivalent cost. If in the duty loop of exchange will appear commodities less than was in previous, or in circulation superfluous mass of signs of monies will appear at tiy mass of commodities, between a money and commodity the masses there is new correlation in which demand will exceed supply. Buyers will be ready to pay, and salespeople to require the pot of monies, than in the previous loop. The amount of money will depreciate comparatively with a commodity, and prices will grow on commodities. There will be the new, the level of exchange value of monies, with which they will pass to the next cycle of recreation, is reduced. If in an exchange greater mass of commodities or part of money will act in somewise will be withdrawn from circulation, commodity suggestion will exceed demand, not all commodities can be realized and the salespeople of zmuscheni will reduce the prices. At a money a new (promoted) exchange value with which they will enter in the next cycle of exchange will be formed. Thus, the signs of monies get an exchange value in circulation and due to functioning support her at certain level which is determined the state of economy in general and the state of affairs of market in particular. Here dorechn to remind that К.Маркс, though and was the supporter of representative conception of cost of unchangeable signs of monies, assumed possibility of forming of their exchange value directly in circulation, specifying that gold is revolved because has a value, the monies of papers have a value because revolved. such possibility got wide determination afterwards, and on its basis whole direction was formed in studies about a money, which got the name of functional theory of value of monies. LIST OF LITERATURE 1. Gritsenko And. Money: origin, essence, functions and aggregates. Economy of Ukraine №2, 1999р. 2. Zlupko S. Grishina О. В. Theory of money of М. І. Tugan-Baranovsky and its influence on monetarism of ХХ item Finances of Ukraine №8, in 1999 3. Klimko G. N., Nestorenko В. П. Bases economic theory. Flight is an economic aspect. Kyiv. "High school", in 1994 4. Kozubovskiy Г. А. 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