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VectorA : array [1..m, 0..m+n] of real; DigitOfBasisVector : array
[1..m] of real; MinimumBuffer : real; DateFile : text; for i:=1 to n do Readln(DateFile,
TargetVector[i]); for j:=0 to n do VectorA[i, j]:=1; for i:=1 to m do
BasisVector[i]:=n+i; ReadDatesVectorA; i,j : integer;
SimplexVector[0]:=SimplexVector[0] + DigitOfBasisVector[i]*VectorA[i, 0]; for i:=1 to m do Summa:=Summa
+ DigitOfBasisVector[i]*VectorA[i, j]; end; GetEnterVector:=1; GetEnterVector:=i; i :
integer; if VectorA[1,
IndexOfEnterVector] > 0 then MinimumBuffer:=VectorA[1, 0] / VectorA[1,
IndexOfEnterVector]; if MinimumBuffer >=
Temp then procedure ReCountOutputString; { ???? ??????? ????????
DigitOfBasisVector[IndexOfOutputString]:=TargetVector[IndexOfEnterVector]; end;
Buffer:=VectorA[IndexOfOutputString, IndexOfEnterVector]; end; for i:=1 to m do then VectorA[i, j]:=VectorA[i, j] - VectorA[i
,IndexOfEnterVector]*VectorA[IndexOfOutputString,j]; end; if
SimplexVector[i] < 0 then AllIsPositiv:=False; ToStr:=' ' + S
+ ' '; writeln(' +-------------
----------------------------------------+'); procedure WriteMatrixA; writeln('
--+--------+--------?'); writeln(' +--------+--------+--------+---
-----+--------+--------+--------+--------?'); for j:=0 to m+n do write(ToStr(VectorA[i,
j]),'?'); writeln;
else writeln(' +--------+--------+--------+--------+------
--+--------+--------+--------?'); for i:=0 to m+n do write(ToStr(SimplexVector[i]),'?'); writeln;
WriteTargetMatrix; procedure
WriteTargetMatrix; write (FileOfOutput, ' ? Target ?');
procedure WriteMatrixA; writeln(FileOfOutput, '
--+--------+--------?'); writeln(FileOfOutput, ' +--------+-----
-----?'); for j:=0 to m+n do
write(FileOfOutput, ToStr(VectorA[i, j]),'?'); writeln(FileOfOutput); if i = m then
writeln(FileOfOutput, ' +--------+--------+--------+--------+-
-------+--------+--------+--------?') end; for i:=0 to m+n do write(FileOfOutput,
ToStr(SimplexVector[i]),'?'); writeln(FileOfOutput); clrscr; ReadDates; while not
AllIsPositiv do
Close(FileOfOutput); 1. ????? ReadDates - ???????? ? ??? 3. ????? ReadDatesVector - ????? ? ???? ???????? ?????? ??????
???? 6. ????? GetOutputString - ????????? ??? ???. 9. ?????
WriteMatrixA, WriteTargetMatrix, WriteMatrixSimplex - ??? ??????????? ? ???